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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Could be well and truly pregnant. Maybe,if you think she has been too fat too long, she has a stuck fry (breech or something). That is known to happen. One gets stuck and blocks the rest.
  2. Sadly, I received a letter today from the club secretary to say that due to falling numbers, the Wairarapa Aquarium and Pond Society has reluctantly gone into recess. Unfortunately, this also means the planned Livebearer Show, to be held at Labour Weekend, is now cancelled . Any other club want to take over the Livebearer Show?? Kapi-Mana, it should be right up your alley 8)
  3. There is a sticky at the top of the FNZAS club section explaining how to go about it Lynda Yes, your last sub expired Nov 06
  4. I have photos of AMAZONIAN's fishroom if he gives permission for them to be shown
  5. You will get this one as soon as I have confirmation your money has cleared
  6. Welcome. Nice tank. Nothing safer than a bit of paranoia when it comes to stand bracing
  7. Your posters were posted via Boxlink this morning. Good luck! :bounce:
  8. Magazines were posted yesterday at about 3pm. Let's see who gets theirs first this time
  9. They may have been referring to the Chinese algae eater. Neither it nor the BNs are true cold water fish though can cope with temps down to 18C. That doesn't mean it is ideal for them though.
  10. YAY! Good luck to you. Ask Warren if he can visit your meeting and give a talk about the FNZAS Have you tried to get hold of that woman I told you about?
  11. Nowhere in Whangarei as yet but then, there is no local club member to ask at lfs if they are willing to give discount. Ask and ye may receive Gotta belong to the FNZAS first - not just registered with this site, you must be a member of an affiliated club.
  12. Yes I think so. You used to be able to. Chemist will have it if the supermarket doesn't.
  13. I wonder if the hormones fish secrete add to it as well.
  14. The fish are doing it We used to have 2 tanks identical in every way except one had guppies and the other had acaras. The guppy tank was always 7.0 but the acara tank dropped 6.5. More fish poo.
  15. Do a Google search for Epsom Salts baths. That ought to clean it out. I don't know the dosage offhand.
  16. I have the FNZAS archives here as I am their archivist - it is not a personal collection I also have over 200 aquatic books for reference. Some mine, some the FNZAS's. Plus hundreds of fish magazines taking over. I have 3 bookcases just for fish books :roll: Will copy the article for you Stella. It is basic and short :lol:
  17. Caryl

    hey all

    Welcome (sorry I'm a bit late) 8)
  18. Sorry Stella. My archives start around 1955 I only have two NZ Aquarium Bulletins (and not whole ones either) May 1945 and June 1945. The May 1945 front page article is on kokopu, Galaxius fasciatus
  19. I send copies of all the AW magazines to the Hocken Library. Let me check my archives for that Aquarium Bulletin.
  20. Many of the traps are designed so the babies can drop through a V slot in the false bottom. It also means the fry can swim back UP into the main bit where mum eats them
  21. Just cos it is natural doesn't make it safe I understood it was highly toxic if overdosed (but I might be thinking of a different product). Melafix is tea tree oil if I remember correctly. In proper dosage I don't think it harms filter bacteria.
  22. Don't forget conference (Queen's birthday weekend) is in Nelson this year so a good opportunity for getting fish brought down from elsewhere with attendees
  23. How about you two trying to get a club going in Queenstown? I am happy to help you.
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