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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. You can photocopy the reg form in the magazine you know Will send you a pdf Zev By the way - Bud is probably coming to conference too 8)
  2. I just got an email from the Interislander this morning. They are extending their family special until 30th June. Original special was $190 for 2 adults and 1 car with the ability to add up to 5 kids for $20 each. They have extended this as well to include up to 5 additional adults at only $52 each (max 7 passengers per car). How about organising club members to travel in a group by car? It is an hour and a half from Picton ferry terminal to Nelson. Think of how many fish can be transported by car either way
  3. You have to ask for things? I just go and buy what I want Grant doesn't notice. :lol:
  4. We hope to get lots of support. Too often the North Islanders say "It's too expensive I can't afford it" and don't about how hard it is for us South Islanders to go north and we have to go north a lot more often than the rest of you go south. The Tasman Club is new to the FNZAS, and has never seen one of our conferences, but agreed at the last minute to host this year after the original club due to host pulled out. They have done a brilliant job so far and you won't be disappointed. I thought Warren was going to get a copy of the registration form onto the site before he left the country but looks like he ran out of time. Should be up in a couple of weeks, or I can email a pdf version if anyone wants it.
  5. We don't celebrate Valentines Day as we feel it is purely a commercial time where retailers attempt to get more money out of you. I would much rather be surprised randomly throughout the year than be bought something just because it is Valentines Day. Mind you, it wouldn't occur to Grant to buy me something on the spur of the moment just to show he loved me - and if he did buy something I would assume he was feeling guilty about something else :lol:
  6. I would run 2 of them too
  7. You can join my club if you want but we do suggest it is better if you join the club nearest to you. The choice is yours. Yes, Billaney was first (and, until Ron, the only) one to notice the "deliberate" mistake on the cover :lol: . Please get out your markers and correct the date :roll:
  8. There are quite a number of fish referred to as "algae eaters". This does not necessarily mean that if you add one of them to your tank it will eat all the algae Different algae eaters like different algae and often none of them like whichever alage it is you have in your tank :lol:
  9. Remember too that the warmer the water the less oxygen so in summer you may have more trouble than other times.
  10. Caryl

    guppy problems

    Could be she is aborting and a fry has got stuck. Willing to give the blob a gentle tug? :-?
  11. Obviously they save the best for last Sarah
  12. Caryl


    Watermelon has only half the sugar content (5%) of an apple. It also has a lot of Vit C and beta-carotenes. Good antioxidants. It is also high in potassium to help regulate the heart and normalise blood pressure. The fibre in them will also help the other end 2 cups of watermelon has only 80 calories, no fat and no cholesterol :bounce:
  13. I have heard of some fish hating mirrored glass (not "one way glass") as they hate the reflections
  14. I would need to read the specific thread to be able to comment. It is possible they weren't serious. I have vague memories of some joking going on some time ago re fish sizes and compatibility so perhaps you have seen a small bit of that and misunderstood. I have never heard anyone advising arowanas could be kept in the 2ft tank - quite the opposite in fact.
  15. Hard to comment on something so vague and generalised. Do you have some specifics? You can read as many books as you like (out of date or not) and still find the information within contradictory, no different from a forum.
  16. Hmm I will contact Warren. Perhaps it was not updated :-?
  17. On the bed huh? Can't get more personalised than that - unless it was passed through the toilet door :lol: That's was I call service
  18. At the bottom of the index under the moderator sections. Have you not been added to it? :-? Kind thought barrie, we will have to eat the local ones :lol:
  19. Sorry you can't make it (but pleased about the drinks :lol: ) Answer my post to you in the exec section would you please?
  20. Caryl

    new member

    Welcome. I thought Cleveland was in the USA 8)
  21. The Tasman and Marlborough fish clubs are having a combined BBQ at my place, 8a Faulkland Drive, Blenheim. Sunday Feb 24th 10.30am onwards. BYO meat and stuff. We will supply a BBQ to cook it on plus tea, coffee and juice. BYO alcohol if required. Plenty of seating available Have just found out one of our members is bringing along fresh mussels to share After lunch and a talk we will head up the Waihopai to visit Sally Jackson and her 2 marine and 2 fresh water tanks. The marine tanks are 4ft and 6ft I think (or bigger) from memory. Well worth seeing. ALL WELCOME! Please let me know if you are attending so I know how much drink to get
  22. Bud was very impressed but said he would be able to do that too if his feet were as big
  23. I can go away for 2 weeks without feeding them and they are fine. I have odessas and BNs breeding in there so they can't be too starved. The tank has been running many years now.
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