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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Isn't it interesting how we all have such differing experiences with various filters? My Jebo hasn't missed a beat in 3 years so far (and neither have the 2 other members are using either) but I have heard some say the Aquas don't last as long as other brands. Sounds like it might be a case of buy whatever you can afford, or what is available, and keep your fingers crossed! Having had nothing but trouble from an Eheim wet/dry I wouldn't touch another.
  2. I got mine from Resene. They were used to bring paint powder in from Italy.
  3. Don't put anything from that tank into yours! She doesn't need to scrub it all out, just get rid of the algae/bacteria and find the cause. She need to remove as much as possible, physically, and siphone the gravel well. Clean off all ornaments and plants then try blacking out the tank for 3 - 5 days. No feeding the fish during this time. They will be fine without food and in the dark. If this doesn't work, try the Furan 2. Erythromycin is a prescription only medicine whereas Furan 2 can be bought from the pet shop.
  4. As long as you have read our rules and remember we are a family friendly forum you should be fine. There is no reason people can't agree to disagree without stomping on feet. Welcome.
  5. Hmm anyone game for a club trip to Paris? :lol:
  6. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder or is that beer holder?
  7. Settle down you two or I will bang your heads together! :roll: Having had Fluvals and Jebo I prefer the Jebo for ease of maintenance. I have a Jebo 819 running on a 280L tank. Been going almost 3 years now I think and been cleaned 2x. First time was after 12 months and we were curious to open it up, it didn't really need cleaning. After it had been running another 12 months we cleaned it again. It was chock full of gunk but still good flow. We haven't cleaned it since and it has been running another 12 months approx. Flow still good as long as I clean the holes in the spray bar occasionally as they clog with leaf bits the fish have nibbled off. Our Fluval 404 would clog after a few weeks and we always had difficulty getting the top off it then getting it started again once we had finished.
  8. World of Water are Sera stockists. They are in Hamilton
  9. Since the experts can't agree I don't see how "the man in the street" can do so either. Remember the rules state; Topics of this type will be removed and action taken against the poster(s): - sensitive topics (political, religious, sexual reference or sexually oriented content etc)... As I am a laid back moderator :lol: I am happy to leave it so far as long as nobody gets personal or starts slagging political parties or individuals. This will get me into trouble with the other mods who will, rightly, point out that rules are rules and where do we draw the line?
  10. I think it needs its eyes tested if it has to get that close to read the text
  11. Caryl

    box filter

    I found it a bit hard to understand the problem but you should be able to use silicone I think.
  12. Caryl

    Dying guppies

    I know too that there have been major problems with guppies for some time but I thought the problem had been corrected. Perhaps not :-?
  13. They are obviously imaginary fish :lol: Tank looks good though
  14. Caryl

    Dying guppies

    I don't check mine either but it was a thought, considering the problem.
  15. She did say she now had a 25 day wait to register them wok
  16. Caryl

    Dying guppies

    Have you checked all your water parameters are good? It can sometimes be that levels have gone up in the tank slowly. The original fish adjusted slowly so are fine with it but introduce new fish and the toxicity kills them.
  17. You have to leave some of the rock bare though as they are striking in themselves and you can't see them once they are totally covered with moss.
  18. Yeah, I should have said the links were good Carlos :oops: A lot of people claim they have never cycled a tank in their life. What they have actually done is cycled it, and done it the right way, without even realising it. All cycling really means is to add fish slowly so the filter bacteria builds up with it to cope with the resulting waste.
  19. Neons are not good to cycle with. The quality of them seems to have deteriorated over the years and they do not cope with a cycle too well. Danios are actually the best bet but no good using them if they are not a fish you wish to keep.
  20. Caryl

    Dying guppies

    My daughter bred guppies when she was a teen. She had some beautiful colours and they had all been living together happily for 2 years or more with no other fish added. She the found a black male she wanted, in a shop in ChCh. Since the original fish all came from the same shop she didn't quarantine, just added it to the tank. Next morning she woke to find all the fish dead or dying, except the new one. Turned out the new fish had something her fish had not encountered before (a bit like the missionaries spreading measles) and they had no immunity to it. In this case it would not have mattered if she had quarantined the new fish because it was healthy. She was so upset she has never kept fish since!
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