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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Now if only more of you would send articles!!!! :roll:
  2. I can't believe you got her back after all this time. What a relief! Yes, they can DNA feathers.
  3. Thank you. I assume you are well into the next article too?
  4. I think we upset Carlos last night :-? Sorry about that Carlos! :lol: We will try and be good tonight.
  5. And no we don't have those shrimps here
  6. Rummy nose tetras are always popular
  7. And all this from this picture, added as a last minute filler to the end of the article :lol: ... Thank you for the praise Jennifer. What has made this the "best yet" in your opinion? I try to get a bit of everything and a wide range of subjects but it is difficult when so few articles are sent.
  8. The definition came with the pic When I was at school it never specified water, from what I remember, but I do remember the semi permeable bit. It is one thing that stuck in my head.
  9. OK KP. He often doesn't know he is going that way until the actual day so we will see what we can do. No promises but will keep you in mind if a fault comes in over your way.
  10. Or if we can get Grant to pick it up on his way past next time (he passes you often these days kiwiplymouth) I could bring it down to conference and hand it over
  11. Bryan, the article's author, was so successful using that method he was raising hundreds of cardinals at a time to supply his lfs.
  12. Indian fern (Ceratopteris pteroides), water sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides) and water wisteria (Hygrophila difformis) have that fern look. Cherry barbs
  13. There is an excellent article, on how to breed cardinals, in the article section on the home page
  14. There are a lot more plants that adapt to brackish water than I thought! Some of those you have listed are banned in NZ but still plenty of others to try.
  15. It will last for a while then rot and die.
  16. Bonjour et bienvenue! 8)
  17. If the fry are stuck I am not sure there is anything you can do :-?
  18. You ought to know I hold yours back deliberately wok and post it a few days after everyone else's Some locals got theirs hand delivered today.
  19. Sorry, saw the words "shrink" and "tests" and ran away screaming. It is probably something to do with the type of personality I am
  20. I did a little research. Styrofoam is a trademark of the Dow Chemical Company for extruded polystrene foam What I did not realise was things like yoghurt pottles, disposable razors and CD cases are all made of polystyrene. I thought they were a different sort of plastic.
  21. All posted this morning :bounce:
  22. Trust me to get it wrong as usual. I had found my old mini skirt in the back of the spare wardrobe :roll:
  23. Yes. Perhaps just a brand name? Or maybe styrofoam is made of smaller particles?
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