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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. http://aquariumworld.nz/fish/articles-guides/technical-diy/
  2. As soon as I have uploaded the photos that go with it to my Photobucket, I will reprint Barrie's article, with pics, and make it a sticky.
  3. All my rocks were collected from the wild I just scrubbed them with a nail brush (toothbrush for those hard to reach places) and made sure there weren't any greeblies hiding in gaps and crevices. They were then hosed down and added to the aquarium.
  4. Hello. Good to meet you.
  5. To me a freshwater tank is just that - freshwater. To add salt unnecessarily seems odd.
  6. Is there room on the bus if any registered attendees have family in ChCh who might be interested in joining us for meals or the bus tour?
  7. Caryl

    updates :)

    I assume you have copyright permission to do this?
  8. Thanks Phoenix. I knew it had some zeros in it but wasn't sure how many :-?
  9. I believe they are hard to breed as ony males are usually imported. They are more colourful. :roll:
  10. Alan was joking.$200k is $2,000 dollars and the free board and lodging is prison as some of those plants are illegal here, including P stratiotes :lol:
  11. I seem to remember reading people were having major problems with dwarf gouramis dying for the past few years.
  12. Caryl

    Molly hunt

    Due to lack of rain or have the swamps been drained?
  13. I think that was cut-off for cheaper registration.
  14. They are cuttings That dark substrate looks really good.
  15. Time was invented to stop everything happening at once
  16. I prefer Neil Diamond's original version of Red Red Wine Now listening to Muse, Uprising (not at work either. Don't think the patients would appreciate Muse :roll: )
  17. Definitely real! How could you doubt it? 8)
  18. Caryl

    Plants Wanted

    I, like Joe, thought they only flowered above water though.
  19. I ran a 3ft coldwater marine rockpool tank for 2 years with nothing except an AquaClear HOB filter. Never had any problems except for temperature. I have since bought a chiller but not got around to setting up another tank.
  20. I don't think the people you meet in central ChCh on a Friday night are the sort of people you would normally want to meet
  21. Perhaps a get-together in the hotel bar, or conference room, might mean more can attend? To arrive in ChCh then have to find Dux de Lux and work out how to get there might be a bit much.
  22. We don't know when it is going to start at this point. We need a quorum so all exec members attending need to tell us their arrival times (or I will email Erica and find out) I assure you, the exec meeting will be short! Perhaps we all need to hang out at the hotel, it would be easier, plus Friday night is a good time to catch up with people you haven't seen for 12 months.
  23. Sounds good. Is this before, or after, we register? Is there anywhere we can all hang out at the venue that night? A common room?
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