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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Great pics! Our rain gauge was not working and Grant discovered a very thick spider's web blocking it. Perhaps it was the same sort. Do you know what sort it is and how big is it? Can't tell actual size from those close-ups.
  2. I think hoplos will respond to a drop in temperature. Sorry I can't help with the loach query.
  3. Caryl

    Hi and Thanks

    Welcome and thank you for searching for answers before asking a question!
  4. :lol: What is this with all you sick people? First Jane, then Stella, now you!!
  5. I should have done some cropping for a more spetacular look but never mind.
  6. For those interested in what the Tasman area over Takaka way looks like, have a look here. Note the sub albums down the right side of the main Paton's Rock album too 8)
  7. Here is a seagull in flight (taken by Grant) same seagull...
  8. fyfe (wasn't getting at you, blueether, merely explaining my choice of last 2 letters )
  9. They aren't very good Joe as the bird was on a branch way above my head! I suppose you will now tell me it isn't a chaffinch either :roll: I was told that it what is is. I personally have no idea.
  10. True Joe, sorry I was uplaoding tons of pics. I suspect I have mixed it up in Photobucket too as I have pics of tuis, fantails and chaffinches :oops: Thanks for pointing it out. I will edit now 8) :roll: Original post claimed it was a tui until Joe pointed out my error :facepalm:
  11. Since useful actually only has one "l"... ululate
  12. Grant got this shot of a fantail coming in for landing. Not bad considering the poor light in the forest...
  13. What sized tank are we talking about?
  14. I came home to find my cold water tank at 31C :roll: Fish don't seem bothered. There is no point in turning off your heaters over summer. They will not turn on if the water temperature is higher than the heater setting. There is a danger of a sudden cold snap overnight and forgetting to turn them back on again.
  15. The little dots are copepods or something. Also edible for fish. Daphnia change colour depending on what they are eating. I used to have 2 containers. One with green algae in it and the daphnia were bright green. The other container did not have anything green in it and the daphnia were brown.
  16. Neon I am back home now but was at Paton's Rock. I will be posting a link to my Photobucket pics when I get them organised. We went to Pupu Springs, Farewell Spit, Wharariki Beach, The Naked Possum, Wainui Falls and walked some of the Kaituna Track. We also visited a number of the other beaches around Takaka. We went to the old Salisbury swing bridge that was destroyed in the floods. Unbelieveable how high the water level must have been, and how strong the current. There is still a lot of mess everywhere and a lot of road works as they repair the damage. The springs and all the other waterways are as pristine as usual and look lovely. Here is an interesting note for those who get upset at innappropriate housing for fish... The people we stayed with have a small goldfish tank in the games room. It would be about 40cm x 30 x 30 and has 2 goldfish about 10cm long in it. The water gets changes every few months when it "looks dirty". They fill a bucket with water, plonk the fish in it, totally empty and scrub out the tank (no soap used) and refill it. There is no filtration, light (no plants) or air pump. The fish are fed daily. When we saw them the fish were gasping lightly at the surface as it was a hot day but did not appear overly stressed. They look otherwise healthy. This tank is the only home they have ever known. These goldfish are 20 years old.
  17. Welcome to our forums. This site is run by the Federation of NZ Aquatic Societies (FNZAS). This is a group made of of fish clubs around NZ. You do not have to belong to the FNZAS to be a member of these forums but we try and encourage it 8) All the details can be found on the Home Page. Click on the logo at the top left of the page
  18. 7.30pm Monday and Friday is the usual time for several of us. Caper sends me the occasional funny but has not replied to my emails :-?
  19. Why have these people not applied to get a special needs reader/writer for exams? This is organised through the school.
  20. Some people have no imagination :lol:
  21. Fish inside get fed every 3 or 4 days (if I think of it) although my young platies have been fed daily up until now. As I am away (in sunny Golden Bay) at the moment, they will go 3 days without food. I do a water change once every 3 months or so (takes about half an hour to do 3 tanks) and the occasional top up due to evaporation in summer. Filters get cleaned out once a year or so. The pond fish get fed once a day during the summer months, most days, just so I can sit and watch them while I have my cuppa.
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