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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. http://www.wwdshop.com/uk/ I assume it is sent from the UK and shipping costs incurred mind you.
  2. I understand you are mad but you should have got some sort of clue when you were not getting answers in the first place. To then throw good money after bad just made it worse. Lay a complaint with Trademe and/or contact the police yourself.
  3. I believe it can do permanent damage and not sure what there is you can do for it :dunno:
  4. Caryl

    What is it?

    Could be cory eggs but I would expect a lot more (unless the rest were eaten)
  5. You can better the health of a fish but not "unstunt" it. Once the damage is done, usually by not feeding enough or correctly when young, it is permanent.
  6. Caryl

    What is it?

    What's in the tank?
  7. It took me a while to figure it out but got there in the end :roll: :happy2:
  8. One would hope masses of plants, a good sized bit of driftwood and regular water changes would be enough to keep it steady at a pH that is not too alkaline. Fish are pretty adaptable.
  9. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Went for a walk up the hill. Helped Grant clear and flatten all the cardboard boxes in the garage (and break up and bag the polystyrene) so he can fit thew MX5 back in the garage. Cardboard went to recycling centre (filled the whole back of the Odyssey with all the seats down!). A pity they won't take the polystyrene Went to neighbours' to feed the fish and discovered their hot water pipe overflowing down the roof and water starting to come through the ceiling. Oh dear. They will not be happy on their return from holiday! Turned the water off and called the friend we were told to call if there was any problem. He will organise a plumber if the leak continues. Hopefully James does not have Net access where he is holidaying and reads this :tears: (It was minor leakage inside James, honest! Just drips we think came from around the pipe and under the flashing) Finished current book and... Finished my 2000 piece jigsaw. Got two 1500's left to go.
  10. I too got sick of the narration and sound effects. Better to watch it with the sound off
  11. If it is fine and not too much of it may not make much difference.
  12. You can also leave some free floating on the surface. It is looking good but what makes you think you have "finished" it? :sml1: :sml1: :rotf: :rotf:
  13. If there is enough shell then yes, it will raise the pH. When I collect beach sand I do so as far above the tide line as possible as there is less shell in it. You can always spend your evenings picking out as much excess shell as possible
  14. Sounds like insufficient flow to me. I have heard the battery operated siphons don't have much suck either. When I siphon my gravel I ram the tube as far into the gravel as it will go. I am more gentle over and about plants though so I don't kill the roots.
  15. If the tests show 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and acceptable nitrate then I would not do a water change. I buck the trend here though. My tank is not heavily stocked but has lots of plants. I clean my filter about once a year (if that) and do a water change every 3 or 4 months (at the most). Since I do not have any test kits (mine are old and no longer accurate) I have no idea what the parameters are but fish are happy and some are breeding so it can't be too bad. :thup:
  16. I do hope that is someone else's foot in the pic of the cat and dog Anthony or are you more flexible than I thought possible? :slfg: I would post my pet pics but the animals have all deceased over time and we have never replaced them (no need to find pet sitters when we travel). Waiting on the right bird to replace Pepper. RIP Misty (cat), Bud (budgie) and Pepper (conure) &c:ry
  17. Merely a reflection from the fireplace? How prosaic. I thought perhaps it was a portal through to Hell or something more interesting :slfg:
  18. :sml1: :sml1: :sml1: :sml1: :sml1: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
  19. You can buy the merchandise online
  20. As my kids are adults I can't tell you about kids prices :sage:
  21. The impellers need replacing too. These can make a filter more noisy than it used to be.
  22. I have never noticed much difference in the power bill even when I had 18 tanks running.
  23. The important bit is the outlet needs to be lower than the tube. If your tank is low to the ground you can have trouble getting a strong enough flow to lift the muck. Ira - behave! :roll: :evil:
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