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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. Yep, Both riccia and duckweed. The plant in the back is E. Uruguayensis x 2. Both From alanmin.
  2. "fine sand" from mitre 10 mega
  3. So I got bored of that scape and tore it down a while ago. :lol: Now it is set up like this: 2 More swords should arrive tomorrow. Inhabitants are 2 Apistogramma agassizi (M+F) 6 Serpae tetra 2 sparkling gourami. (Which I may sell/give away soon)
  4. Why not both? Variety in diet leads to good health.
  5. Looks to me like tiny outcrops of BBA. (black beard algae)
  6. :lol: What kind of cichlids are we talking? Discus/angels? Larger south american cichlids? African cichlids? South American Dwarf cichlids? ...?
  7. No Idea, but it voids the warranty. On a pricey tank like a juwel its a bit of a risk.
  8. You'll have to wait until then, then. :lol: There are other methods, but none as as reliable.
  9. I've decided for my 60L tank I will go much the same style as my big tank. (south american) I impulsively bought some apisto agassizi, then discovered their breeding... aggression. My plan is to add tetra so that the female doesn't see the male apisto as the only threat and doesn't bully it too much. What tetra should I get? No Neons and No cardinals. Prefer small tetra and price is a big factor. I want something interesting though. Ideas?
  10. At that size its easiest (and with all discus, most reliable) to check the vents. Females vent should be fatter, and males should be quite thin and pointed.
  11. IMO, need a big rock wall/mound at the back+ lots of driftwood + the plants. Maybe some ornate... ctenepoma(?) not sure where in africa the come from. http://www.google.co.nz/search?um=1&hl= ... a=N&tab=iw
  12. I agree with rabbit. Markings are pretty much identical, shape is a little off though.
  13. If they have access to the internet, I don't think bad language is what should be worried about.
  14. Half banded ones are 20cm I'm pretty sure. They'd be fine in a 60cm I reckon. They don't get as solid as fire eels do either.
  15. Small spiney eels (halfbanded spiney), Dwarf puffer(s) I THINK, Mossie rasbora, Rainbow fish (the small ones), There are plenty of small tetra like fish out there that aren't that common.
  16. Congo tetra? Plants: Anubias,congo fern... Thanks All I got! OH YEAH! Elephant nose.
  17. Cool... but... Did you read the comment about 3rd down? With like 2 thumbsups?
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