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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. I also say, new tank syndrome. My 60L tank has it now. Starting to decline again...
  2. You could get some sort of large sword plant. Most should get big enough to fill most of the gap. You could also just put a big piece of wood in the corner.
  3. Wow. Fish for the hobby must be pretty dam cheap over there. Selling such a fish for food would not be very expensive at all... so the price difference can't be that much different.
  4. Love HIMYM. Ndebele (again cos I cant think of anything else)
  5. DennisP


    Very intersting shaped tank. I like it.
  6. My Royal is out an about all the time now. Mostly when I'm not in the room though. Its been how long...? 1? 2 months?
  7. Not sure what colour. Is it unpainted? It looks it. Maybe brown? Black may be too strong, same with white. Maybe a dull white? Just to get rid of the unpainted look. :lol:
  8. Looking nice. Especially the hairgrass.
  9. Why keep fish when you can keep the child in there? If he's naughty, you can put him in there on display when mates come around. Also, I think it needs a paint.
  10. DennisP

    neon tetra

    Honestly, no clue. I'm about as clueless as you when it comes to diseases. :lol: Salt wouldn't hurt, but IDK. Wait for someone more experienced.
  11. DennisP

    neon tetra

    :oops: whoops. Assumed when you said "other one" that you only had 2. :lol: Don't think loss of colour is too much of an issue, unless there is no colour at all.
  12. not you. :evil: Should have said "kind comments" :lol:
  13. DennisP

    neon tetra

    having only 2 tetra wont help them colour up. Also, they lose pretty much all their colour when its dark. What time were you looking at them? Was it hiding somewhere. Loss of colour on its own isn't really a problem. If its behavior has changed as well, then its time to think about what to do. HTH
  14. Started with about 1/3 covered. Tonight its at about 2/3. Will take out half of that tomorrow when I WC. Plants are still quite new and growing their roots so there hasn't been too much grow yet. My other tank was completely covered and the plants weren't doing too well, so I took most of it out and they seem to be doing better now. HTH Thanks for comments guys!
  15. Really don't think the pH is killing the fish. Most fish would handle a ph of 6 without any problems. Test your water for all parameters before you go changing your pH. It will just stress your fish more, and possibly kill off any weak ones.
  16. It is not a true biotope at all. :lol: Amazon biotope I would expect to see dirty dirty water, and some driftwood with very low light. No idea. I guess any dried leave should be safe. Unless the plant is poisonous.
  17. HAHA YOU'RE FUNNY!!! .. .. .. Anteater
  18. Too many. 15 max imho. Looks better. I have 6 serpae tetra, and 2 apisto. Stocking wise it is fine imo.
  19. Should be fine. Make sure they handle the night though. Co2 should be turned off, not sure if its the same with DIY, but it can't hurt. pH change wont affect them too much, although you would want to watch for stress/gasping at surface for air.
  20. It would be MUCH easier to read/decipher you posts if you used some simple punctuation. What I understand is you have: Aquatic mix The black gravel on top hang on filter now replaced by internal plants co2. Correct? Anything else? Driftwood? Any fish?
  21. DennisP

    Hello all

    Welcome. Neons don't really breed without any effort/preparation put into spawning them. Guppies however will breed all day long. HTH
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