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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. just put my sterbais in to breed, the females are realy fat :thup:
  2. lol opps, i was realy tired when i did that, got up at 6 to go to hamilton, then it was 11:15 when i typed that :facepalm:
  3. if you want some stairgrass or rotala rofinda, i have some , also guess wat i got cough* aggazzis*cough
  4. ok update, i now have 2 pairs of reallllly nice kribs from a really nice member on here, and i am also growning out some apisto aggazzis i have 6, 2 male and 6 female? , but i also got some ambulia, rotala macrandra, and some christmis moss, ohhhh and my pair of long finned bristlenose breed 8) :nilly: will take some pics tomoro night
  5. well im on so anyone keen :thup: :spop:
  6. it was for school tho, but i had a 1 on 1 interview :happy2:
  7. 16 :happy2: :happy1: , and im male, and if you know me im alot more mature on the forum :facepalm:
  8. a really old solution, but good is white vinger, i use it cause it can dissovle the water marks and the caclium build up :smln:
  9. lol i have been on campbell live 8) :happy2:
  10. nar that sounds like a good balance, but if you have 10 cherry barbs why not just get 20
  11. go for a big school of neons then not just 10-20, go for like 50+
  12. um if you want any decent plant growth you will need alot more light, probaly double what you have or more :dunno: or you could go for 2 150W MH , would work out the same price
  13. that explains so much about your massive fish
  14. then get the aro community, do it, do it (little voice in your head)
  15. yay, now someone from the club is on here aswell :facepalm:
  16. have 2 big nets and put one at each end of the tank and close together, only method that doesnt involve chasing them around the tank :facepalm:
  17. cockatoos, and yeah mine are a deep orange almost red
  18. your male looks like mine except mine is younger, and is reder, not orange
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