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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. :nfs: , just woundering if you dont mind, how much did the tank cost, and what are the dimensions? thanks :thup:
  2. my grandad had one like this for quite a while
  3. ou do, me and dad saw one will standing on a his digger on the side, (was only little tho ,but still )
  4. maybe if you want a salt water "looking tank" try some shellies they have great little personalitys and maybe you can breed them
  5. or the person measuring me is not very accurate ? :facepalm:
  6. ok welll your right im not 170cm :facepalm: , im 163cm :dunno: , maybe cause i was wearing school shoes when i did it
  7. no, welll im just going off what i was told, cause we measure each other in maths the other day :facepalm:
  8. swimming is awsome for endurance and yes it builds upper body strenght, if you want to make it even harder only use your arms when swimming
  9. i would say a 50x50x50 cm
  10. i play uwh, which involves alot of swimming and breath holding, i found i have a lot more endurance than my freinds who play soccer and rugby, and working out doesnt always have to be a chore remeber it can be fun, i mean i am 170cm and only 56kg, and i dont work out, (besides uwh trainning :facepalm: )
  11. they are all i use when growing my baby cories
  12. that was my guppy :rotf: and that was for just a club show, For W.A.S
  13. ok so someone messed with the settings on the camera , and i need to spend time and re adjust it female krib showing off
  14. so now that tank has: 2 albino angels 2 marble veiltail angels (babies) 2 male/female pairs of kribs (thanks david they are awsome) 1 pair of triple red cockatoos 1 male electric blue ram 6 albino sterbai cories 4 albino cories 4 sterbai cories 2 juli or tri... a somethings? 4 smudge spot cories 4 long finned peppered cories 1 male bronze cory 6 rummery nose 1 BREEDING :nilly: PAIR OF BROWN LONG FINNED BRISTLENOSE 7 albino long finned bristlenose AND THATS IT :rotf: :cofn: , well until my 8 aggazzis grow up and i can move them to this tank :thup:
  15. sorry but will have to wait till wensday night now cause someone cough*mum* cough used the camera and didnt charge it, and im busy tomorro nite, also added yesterday more corys 4- long finned peppered 4 - smudge spot/ similis ? oh and lost one of my really fat rummerynose :tears:
  16. lol, thats olllllllllllllllddddddddddd :facepalm:
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