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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: 8)
  2. !drool: !drool: , im into my cories and guppie at the moment tho
  3. as stated in title , my underwater hockey team is raising fund to get to national which we qualiflyed for in Rotorua, please come alone with a car and support us, remeber howick college bus bay
  4. woops, be a long day, i have been cooking for 160 people at school, i think the gas is getting to me
  5. a fully grown GBA, he managed to take the gard of the outlet, then get down it
  6. the ehiems are good, but $$$$, but i guess you get what you pay for, (dont use those cheap trademe ones , very unreliable )
  7. i might have to come visit when its at joshs house, wait it on a tuesday ,dam, i have uwh
  8. weeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllll you could buttttt, no more car space :rotf: :rotf: :sage:
  9. well the mum is a very good parent, with all the other fish, she has managed to get them to hatch
  10. ok , so now i have baby kribs :nilly:
  11. your welcome, i was thing bout doing it the other day so i can have my 1800l tank :facepalm:
  12. may i make a suggestion :smln: , maybe put a wall in at the back of the garage and insulate it , then put the tanks out there , and not get cold at night :thup:
  13. yes he broke out of the hut, at our old house we use to see him all the time on the back lawn, then one day he just disapeared :tears:
  14. would love to buttttt................ mum (also the reson why i dont have a dog :roll: ) nd do you work at the spca, i wanted to work there
  15. i use to have a black mini lop named bugs :facepalm:
  16. awwwwwwww cutttttttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeee :love:
  17. heres my "beast" , he is a ginger male cat, named leo
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