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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. i have some male pearls , and sterbais,whiptails i have :lol:
  2. if she doesnt like gouramis show her a pearl gourami male :happy2:
  3. hahahah my male is 25 ish :sml2: , and come see me again if you want, i have some fancy cories give you some ideas
  4. i would lose the bolivan rams, and the blue rams, have 1 male agazzi and 3 females (as the male will beat the females
  5. i payed 20 for my pair :sml1: :slfg:
  6. finaly, nice to see you on here :thup:
  7. because im 16 and dont have that much money and the shed is only 2.4m by 2m so wont fit, and i will be doing it so i have less tanks to worry about, i think it will be an aro tank as i have a 4ft plant in my room :facepalm:
  8. hahaha i thought you would :sml1: :slfg: the dementions will be 2.4m x (1m or 1.2m cant decide) x .7m, and will be an aro tank, or a big planted !drool:
  9. yessss i would, well soon (next year im giving up breeding< and turing my fish shed with tanks into a fish shed with A TANK) SHOULD END UP WITH IT BEING AROUND 1600L :lol:
  10. !drool: !drool: !drool: , would love that tank
  11. yeah , who has it now? i agree its more bulky and just looks nicer
  12. i found when they are bigger the males have a bump on there head, maybe you have a pair and an extra male
  13. if you do , atleast you wont have to save for a wedding any more :digH:
  14. i found that kribs can be very aggresive when breeding and need atleast a 2ft space for them self, so i think it would be best to keep just to of the best pairs and get ride of or move the other fish out, maybe then they will breed
  15. i was think of this today actually :facepalm: i would have a room with 2 tanks in it one would be 8ft long X 2 1/2 ft wide X 2ft deep, this would be heavy planted discus tank ,with presurized co2,MH , with a a school of 200+cardinals, and heaps of dwarf chiclids and every type of cory and bristlenose, then on the other side of the room a 12ft long X 4ft wide X 2 1/2 ft deep with really fine coffee grit black gravel , this is an aro tank with a couple of nice aros (golden, vip red, green) only 4-6 tho cos i dont want top much competion, also with some oscars, borneo tigers,geos, and some BIG clown loachs and some of the fancy plecos :nilly: :thup:
  16. i would say add some current to the tank ( maybe a wave pump) thus making him fight the current and gain muscle, thats what i have read anyway
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