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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. trying to decide which to use on the co2 , a diffuser (26mm) or a reactor, any help :smln:
  2. i would sell the other 34l its to small for a good breeding program, then get another 2ft, and dont cross the albino guppies with other normal guppies it screws up the whole line , (just a note)
  3. Hi i have before, not very reliable, ive had 2 crack , 1 over heat, so i would just buy a reliable brand like ehiem, fluval, aquaone if you need a cheaper one
  4. oh ok good, what others do you plan on getting in this tank?
  5. they come from my strain aswell, dam i need to find some new strains :facepalm: and if i was you i would change the gravel to a natural colour, just my oppion, also i would bring the temp down a bit to 26-27 as it maybe a bit hot for the guppies
  6. That's why I like the cos they flare, and sent lazy like my hms who flare a couple of times then do nothing
  7. the glo brand sold at animates it realy good i have a 4 foot twin on my tank , and it does it great
  8. hahaha true , if my mum did that i would just look at her as if she was nuts and carry on look at the forun :sml2:
  9. 15mins, im guna go out to the fish shed now, maybe ill survive
  10. they will go to heaven and we will all continue keeping fish up there, but we will all have huge big tanks and any fish we want :happy1: :happy1:
  11. check out our facebook page, Waikato Aquarium society
  12. yeah come, to the next meeting we are all freindly people and happy to help, and yeah we always need more competion for the planted tank section :sml1:
  13. are you part of the waikato club,in hamilton, i come down every month for that, first tuesday of the month at 7pm at the waikato commerce club, Collingwood Street, would be nice to see you there :thup:
  14. wow, not bad , will be watching this to see how it comes along :spop:
  15. looks like MTS is setting in :rotf:
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