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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. hahahahah , you want to come, be my guest :sml2:
  2. when you come over tomoro you can have a look at my tanks to give you some ideas
  3. yeah have to agree, electric blue rams, apistos,cockatoos all great fish
  4. im using cool whites, was tinking of changing one to tropical, and i have mine on for 7hours but will bump it up to 10 when i have my co2 on, but i have a night light which is a t8 power glo,40w
  5. ok time for an update, today i remolded the tank, removed all the cabomba (70 stems around 30cm) and the two big ordinary amazon swords , also the funny looking little ones, moved 2 big runners of chain sword ( 10 plants ea) and finaly what i add i have attached some staghorn (is that the right name?) to the diftwood on the right side, add a large peice of shyest( if thats how you spell it ) to stop the chain sword from taking oiver and gives the fish a place to feed, also in the back right corner i have add some stones to make a raised effect , im going to plant it with val, also will be adding some crypts and some ambulia at a later stage sorry pics are a bit blury as i took pics as i went the amazon swords roots (peg to give an idea of the size ) after i pulled it out :facepalm: half of the cobomba raise rock garden in right corner where the other amazon swords were with shyest in now pic I took ten mins ago, has CLEARED UP ALOT
  6. how thick is the gravel, and yeah light should be about 8-10hrs a day until they have settled in then slowly rise to 12hours, and yeah in a tank that size i would use a diy co2 set up cos it cost heaps for flourish all the time
  7. i got my brand new, 7.5kg from hwff for $200
  8. ok add 4 more long finned albino bristlenose which are quiet happy, and my cories had a mass spawning, (all the different types) around 400 eggs :nilly:
  9. my grandads working on the strain will be another 6 months before he has any tho :lol:
  10. yeah on left to right 2 is a female, and they look fully grown
  11. very nice wish i had a big planted tank like that to play around with all that room !drool: !drool:
  12. i would say there would be no difference so id go with bagged, saves the hassle of clean it all
  13. male guppies always show of to each other and fight but noting major, id say it would be the fighter , and if i was you i would not put them together again (heard of stories where a whole tank of male guppies have been killed by a pair of fighter) and they will heal just do regular waterchanges and it should heal soon
  14. sounds good, would you be able to drop them off im only 16 dont have a car, but that way i maybe able to give you some pointer for your tank and maybe some other plants i have
  15. i was there on sunday lol, when i got my co2 cylinder
  16. thanks i will be look into that she is albino long finned , very rare, i love them to :thup: yeah i have heaps like i mean atleast 20 stems that are 40cm long atleast
  17. How do I slow down DIY co2? you can put an air value , like you use on you air pump on it, so long as you do not have it done up tight cos it will pop the tubing off
  18. same here, anything your keen on let me know, when i get my co2 values i will be removing that cabomba, and puting val in the corner to hide the gear, and some cryts in front of it with the driftwood seperating it, also getting ambulia and placing between the rotali ..... and the other plant, also remove the 2 normal amazon swords and replace with a red special and a speckled ?
  19. Some other red stem plants, any crypts, ambulia,val , any suggestions to what i need
  20. that would only replace the air in the top of the bag not in the water i think, but i would say one of those battery air pumps if you realy worried, and just use that every 1 hour to replenish the air in the water
  21. so i have my co2 now, im looking for more plants , anyone got anything
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