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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. if hes think bout his new aro i would worry bout everything that goes in the tank
  2. the female is a cammera hog and always comes into the shot, the male was shy and not colourful but has coloured up heaps now and has red on him :happy2:
  3. what stem plants do you have?
  4. yeah mine is pinky green as it has just come from a low lighted tank to my T5s so still adjusting, and i want it to just grow straight up, how do i do that?
  5. more pic from tonight electric blue ram young female triple red cockatoo the male triple red cockatoo, blending with tiger lotus :roll: albino angel half tank shot (left half) rotla (something) can anyone suggest why its growing sideways and sprouting roots bad pic of the co2 botle, built in stand and good tap on it
  6. yeah but its the hassly and the one on trademe comes with a diffuser, and bubble counter, and 2m of co2 hose
  7. ok today i got a 7.5kg co2 cylinder from hwff , so now i just need values and things what do you think bout this? http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=374313141
  8. the secound place tank was a 7ft tank, get a 8ft :lol:
  9. you will need to boil it, and then soak it for a week or so , otherwise u will get that slime coat
  10. if he does, ill take him , i have always wanted a green :happy2:
  11. Hi and welcome, low maintenace all depends on the fish and plants, i would go for a community planted tank with sword plants, tiger lotus and maybe some val and crypts, as for fish there is 4 basic types need for low maintenace , algae eaters (bristlenose,whiptail,siamese algae eaters) then clean up crew (cories ,loaches) then the main fish (angels, gouramis, anything that is a centre place fish ) then last of all the sub -main fish ( usual choosen from the main fish, for example i had discus so i have rams and rummery nose as mine ) ok is that enough 8)
  12. hahaaha maybe, i think ill just wait for some to become avalible in AUCK
  13. yay so my advice on thoses cories worked :happy2:
  14. like dragons for example :lol:
  15. realy had to get quality stock tho :dunno: :dunno:
  16. ok today i got a pair (wha i think is a pair) of albino angels, with realy nice finns
  17. yeah cool i have seven and mine are all realy fat im guna have a go soon at breeding them ( maybe next weekend )
  18. dam he lives in new plymouth, i want those jags, and i can give them a happer home :an!gry
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