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Everything posted by Fruju

  1. What do you like the look of? Discus will do fine in that tank.
  2. So by layout you mean absolutely no decor haha. If we could get those black barred silver dollars in that 1st vid...
  3. Hurry up and make yours look like that henward!
  4. But then again aros grow larger than the rest of what we get here, henwards jardini was at a foot in about 4 months I'd say, and agro as. I sold my jardini as he was far too aggressive to keep with any other fish apart from bichirs. Jardini would be fine getting large in that tank, it's just with a full grown oscar/texas/JD/Jag/bichir/parrots etc you need to watch stocking density vs waste output. And a heads up, larger aros are hard to move on. Even Jars.
  5. They won't reach a foot. Only 20cm, make sure you get the species right as there are some very similar ones. But they all like groups yes.
  6. Mahns convict is a beauty, I'd have to agree with Ira though, most convicts around are rubbish with poor genetics, but some are absolute stunners.
  7. Fruju

    Earth eaters

    Risky mix I'd say, Geophagus altifrons certainly are capable of scoffing them down.
  8. You are gonna have so many deaths I think. Not trying to be negative, but that's what I think will go down. Might want to re-plan the stocking? And Jardini are NOT slow growing.
  9. All good, don't need it for prettiness.
  10. Yeah bro, pm your number again I don't have it for some reason. Ideal size, thanks Mahn.
  11. This tank (or similar design, maybe with long val plants and lower tank profile) with just quality blue diamonds would be a spectacular display, only red eye specimens with luscious blue colour - not really a discus person but that would be great. http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6699 First pic down.
  12. Keen g. Bit of a drive. Surprised no where on the shore has anything.
  13. If those are gurnard.....epic. I always thought they would be great aquarium fish.
  14. Heya, I want to make a tank divide out of a material that is not netting/mesh. I made one before out of perspex but I can't find suitable thin perspex anywhere. I'd like one clear and one non-transparent, has anyone made something similar?
  15. Cat's ain't got nothin on dogs. Dogs are so much better, aside from the poorly trained aggressive breeds.
  16. Tank size is fine, not much current. Snails WILL die. Otto should be ok I think.
  17. http://fwdre.blogspot.co.nz/2012/08/60-tons.html
  18. That's all good, going on holiday so the fry wouldn't have survived anyway. Gratifying that the female produced eggs.
  19. Ok so the female just dropped eggs, male is showing heaps of interest in helping to pick them up even through the divider...but, he still hasn't made a bubble nest yet. Should I mix them and see what happens? Cheers.
  20. Yup, got a consistent supply of mozzie larvae and feeding them heaps of them. PH is <7. I bought a second female today; she is fatter than the other one, but I wouldn't say she is 'popping'. The original female is smaller, less fat but has dominant vertical bars. Both however, are responding positively through the bottle plastic. Bubble/sponge filter on the tank means no water movement on the opposite side from where I put the indian almond leaf. Tank is 30L; and I will move the fry to another larger tank later on/leave them in there to grow a bit and then move them.
  21. Ok cool, aside from what I am doing now is there anything else I should try? Or just keep it the same?
  22. Yeah I would like to get at least one other male to work with atm.
  23. Hey guys, I recently acquired a pair of fighters - last week - (planning on getting more); I have the female in a plastic bottle within a tank that holds the male. The setup has a sponge filter, indian almond leaf, floating plants and is set at 26 degrees. I have conditioned the female and male for a few days on live food, they both flare for each other and the female has the vertical bars. BUT. The male has not produced a bubble nest yet. Should I wait for him to make one before introducing them? Condition them for longer? Introduce them and see what happens then remove female again if no breeding occurs? Cheers
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