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Everything posted by Fruju

  1. I want your zoa collection, haven't seen some of those around before.
  2. Tinfoils yes, but you may end up regretting them. Apollo shark yes, but they rarely ever come in. Banded Leporinus yes, but they are agro apparently. Flagtail yes, great fish, great colour, eat algae but get big - henwards old one was massive and certainly filled up his tank. Needs to have room to swim. Considered a school of pictus catfish? Wicked fish in a group.
  3. Nice acans! And love the purple tang, great looking animal. Thanks for the pics
  4. Looking really good now man. How long has it been set up now?
  5. Fruju

    My Red Texas"

    Any more pics of the red texas? Pics of what you are breeding it with?
  6. Fruju

    My Red Texas"

    Much nicer than the flowerhorns Imo.
  7. I bought a maxspect nano razor 16000k for mine and I couldn't be happier. Although it would be overkill on a dymax.
  8. I kept temp the same, dosed white spot cure/tonic, removed carbon and did the epsom salts. Ich gone within a few days. This was with pictus. But should apply for all yours too.
  9. Do a asian river biotope; feature piece being a large tyre track/fire eel. Smaller fish could include red scissortails, barbs etc. Or nz native tank, but you need a chiller.
  10. That frag tank looks stellar. I actually like the look of the skimmer in the compartment next to it. What light is that?
  11. How do you get them? Just dive around and look on a reef?
  12. I'd say pump that lighting up. I'm about to setup a nano cube too. Gonna be using maxspect nano 16000k 60w light.
  13. Water is critical.... :fshi: On a more specific note, look after the water and the water takes care of the fish. Keep NH3, N02 levles at zero and N03 levels low and you are fine. Don't keep fish that you cannot provide an adequate home for. Fish keeping is made way harder than it needs to be. Make sure you are a 'fish keeper' as opposed to a 'fish haver' but by making your way to this site we assume that you already are.
  14. Fruju


    Well, you can do your masters in whatever you like, probably good to do it in something related to aquaculture though. I will do mine in Marine Biology, maybe looking at a nutritional study of finfish...but I haven't decided yet. Ends up being 5 years of study minimum (3 years Bsc, 1 year Post-grad diploma, 1 year masters project).
  15. Fruju


    At the facility I am working at we are primarily working with Hapuka and Kingfish; mainly with the puka at the moment, trying to improve the quality and consistency of eggs to produce family lines that would be ideal for starting a commercial project. The big broodstock Hapuka are about 34kg and the largest kingies are 42kg/1.5m, quite cool feeding them haha. There is also a growth study of NZ king salmon currently going on, and a long-term project investigating paddle crab pheromones. Yeah, pretty much need a Masters degree to get anywhere tbh, although you can get experience at the BOP polytechnic I think. Not really any work being done where I am at with whitebait/natives so I don't pretend to know that much about them, still going to need an extensive facility, and I don't think there is a large market for them internationally. If you're interested in farming natives you could look at the Mahurangi institute which does more of that sort of thing, they also do kinda 'skills'/'certificate' courses for preliminary techniques.
  16. Fruju


    Heya I'm keen on aquaculture also, I've been working this summer at the Bream Bay NIWA aquaculture facility for experience while I complete my studies. Unfortunately your idea of sustaining native populations would be difficult to realise; unless the venture has commercial interests you rely on govt funding which is hard to obtain. Aquaculture needs high capital and getting land/coastal space is difficult; and MPI is not favourable to releasing farmed/domesticated fish back into the wild for fear of introducing disease and the like. Hope this helps, sorry if it sounds negative haha but it is a great industry I think.
  17. Nice job, got quite a few fish breeding there! I have a trio of trifasciata now, female laid eggs today, but I don't think they were fertilised as they are a creamy colour rather than pink.
  18. What he said. I kept a jardini in my 680L for a while, but sold him quite early on as I felt that he would get too big for it, plus it didn't want to live with much else. Try bichirs. Good mixers with big fish generally. Or get a datnoid, they are more entertaining.
  19. No point getting an aro, they outgrow that size tank and they are hard to move on at a large size. Don't be 'that guy' haha. Depending how you organise the plants you can reduce plant removal.
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