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Everything posted by Fruju

  1. Keen for the colour to turn rich red; then it will be the $$$$
  2. Yeah the auction says to come over and play with them for a bit before choosing, colour is less important than tameness to me though.
  3. Yeah I was only going to buy one that has been in steady contact with people/suitable for handraising. I am thinking the trademe dealer might be the way to go, looks like they have experience and have a variety. Any tips/pointers specific to caring for a lovebird from experience?
  4. Hey, I'm looking at getting a young lovebird (Tame) as a pet not an aviary bird. Is there an NZ bird forum that would be a good place to get info/source a bird? Are there any breeders on here? Does anyone on here own one?
  5. Any jags coming up for sale Duncan?
  6. I have seen those pics, wicked tanks. Big fan of geos.
  7. The beunos aires just squabble within their group but no damage in my experience. Epic fun feeding them locusts, they all attack it and rip it apart asap lol, mini pirahnas.
  8. Red oscar lutino. Not leucistic. Leucistic would be pure white and black eyes, this has pigment. Albino has red eyes but may have alternative pigment (eg: the red on the oscars). Lutino is just a different colour variant.
  9. Could try beunos aires tetras? They are really fun to feed in a big school, and they get good colour and a nice size. Btw I love your whiptail at henwards, it is pimpin.
  10. Sweet project, hope it goes well. Henwards sunshine looks mint, 8 of those would be amazing.
  11. I think it would be best if multiple people worked on it, I have tank limitations lol.
  12. I think trying to develop a super red strain of red sev would be best option. Get a superior strain in the country without importation.
  13. Wonder what sort of mix I would get from a rotkiel sev?
  14. Once I get my tank back up and running and he's on display, no point in me taking cruddy photos of him in a storage tank.
  15. 7 inches at 6 years!? Man thats stunted, maybe we should link this thread to the one in the cichlid section lol
  16. Yeah Jack would be best bet probably eh Jack? I actually have 2 red severum males lol, both are nice specimens but one is more red than the other, just lacking a female with red.
  17. Yeah might keep him as a bachelor then, see if I can source a female midas to go with my male and breed those.
  18. Look like convict X jag/cuban? unusual mix.
  19. It already has some substantial red in it, yes would have to see how they mature and potentially cross back, but was wondering if since the female would be gold would that reduce large proportion of the red? Also keen on starting to breed midas. Would like a jag as well.
  20. I have a mint red sev male and I'm tempted to breed it but red sev females are somewhat difficult to locate, if I cross it with a gold one can I expect good results in terms of red colour developing or will the gold wash it out?
  21. Pete I was referring more to the other guys tank size. 55g can hold an oscar for a while but eventually a larger tank would be required, which is what i assume you are doing anyway. I don't think the height of the tank will be that much of an issue a this stage.
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