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Everything posted by danval

  1. Thanks guys. I'm pretty sure the smaller one is a female as they are really starting to display quite a bit now and she has turned yellowish but not bright yellow. Have you got a pair Win? How the Agassizi's doing? Cheers. Dan
  2. Hey guys. Here are some pics of the ones I have. Best pics I could get
  3. Thanks Aquila. And yes freshwater...
  4. Yeah Supasi.. It does feel like string.. You can rub it off with your finger but you are left with a thin seam. And i'm not worried about it as it seems too small to do any harm but would be interested to know what it is. Thanks.
  5. Yeah.. Like Hydra but a lot smaller??
  6. This has recently started growing and living in my tank... What is it? Thanks
  7. Hey Mark. I have 2 of these also. 1 is a definite male and possibly the other one is also, but they are so small so I will wait and see... Lovely little fish. Thanks for sharing
  8. Got mine today through my LFS. Nice looking fish albeit small. My confirmed male is very stroppy, pushing around fish twice his size!. The other one is smaller and not as bright but I suspect it is a male. Time will tell. Nice fish all the same and worth every cent. LFS even gave me a 10% discount for prompt pickup.
  9. Thanks for sharing Joe. I love the Spice finch!
  10. All good by me. Thanks for your explanation HFF.
  11. HFF. No where in my comment did I say "a guaranteed pair". All I said was why can't you try and pick a pair.... and possibly explain to the customer that "the pair" is simply a male and female that may or may not pair up... If the sexes are very similar then this can be pointed out that you may end up with 2 of the same sex. I do understand your dilemma with people expecting "pairs" but surely an attempt at picking a male and female is not over the top? We all do appreciate your efforts in bringing in rare fish but I personally think you need to be more customer friendly and not get your hackles up.
  12. I do realise this but we are not all ignorant and made of money!
  13. Fair comment but.... some sort of effort should be made to meet the customers expectations rather than the big "no" we can't do it. Just my opinion...
  14. HFF. Why not try and pick a pair for the customer? Is a sale not a sale? Does the customer not come first? What is your reasoning for not picking a pair for your customer?
  15. The best bet of identification is to get some pics to Mike Wise on Apistogramma.com. With a good pic he can I.d almost any Apistogramma. Here is a link to an interesting discussion on I.d http://forum.apistogramma.com/showthrea ... macmasteri
  16. Hey good stuff Joe. Are they the lot from Hollywoods? And are they $37 per fish? A variety of live foods is the key to good health. Some of the other foods that I have tried are fly eggs, which they relish, juvenile jumping spiders (make sure they are not too big or they will choke) and ant eggs. Good luck, and I also plan on getting a pair in the near future.
  17. danval

    Apisto Eunotus

    Cool!. Thanks for sharing.
  18. They will get them before they are free swimming but i doubt they will once free swimming. I have found duckweed to be great cover for them.
  19. You are lucky Jen. My spawns don't even make it that far. my latest eaten..... :evil: Best of luck with the Hongsloi!
  20. I'm guessing you are right Joe
  21. Hey Jen. Is that current fry I can see in the pic or an older pic?
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