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Everything posted by Neon

  1. I still can't believe your cat's name! Do you call it Ball for short?
  2. Geez Phoenix, now I don't want to post my photos because yours are too nice :-? :lol: very nice one of the tiger lotus! Do you guys want flower photos too? Here's some of my photos anyway: Echinodorus ozelot flower: More l. arcuata: The same thing that Antwan has but submersed: Green pine (supasi to determine scientific name ): you know my real name eh Supasi?
  3. I must be special - I received my magazine on Saturday :happy2:
  4. I took some photos last night - I just need to get around to loading them into photobucket :lol: I got one of ludwigia arcuata and one of green pine... I can take some photos of my bacopa, but it looks a bit funny at the moment as it has lots of roots growing from the stem
  5. We might have to change the meeting times, so you can make it Wok (I can't make this meeting either :oops: )
  6. I'm thinking this stuff looks like utricularia - what do you reckon supasi?
  7. yeah that's who I was thinking of..... unfortunately I only just switched on tv half way through so I'm not sure. the show made me wish I did marine biology at uni rather than maths :tears: :lol:
  8. is anybody watching "Expedition Antarctica" at the moment? It's pretty cool :-) Am I wrong or is Darren the squid man one of the members here on the forum?
  9. Your current tank looks cool - I like those filament barbs! You should definitely try get pressurised CO2 as it's so much easier than DIY. I've got it and it made a big difference to the plant growth and helping control algae. It's not too hard to set up either (though I did ask the guys at the fish shop a million questions about it :lol: )
  10. Me too.... I wonder if we are the same age?
  11. Hmmm I'm not sure whether Wok meant to say that, but we can always plan another one anyway I think we might need to split the crawl into different regions e.g. West Auckland one time then Central the next - Auckland is too big! :lol:
  12. I would offer, but I have a soccer game at 6:40 so I'm not sure I'll make it to the meeting :-?
  13. Looks great David! It must be awesome to have it finished (apart from the black aro) after such a long time planning and setting it up. I'd love to do something similar one day.... Just curious - what's a "JDM style" tank?
  14. Hi, I have a small tank with gold gardneri killies.... Now that it's summer the tank is getting too hot (27 C) so I was wondering -would it be okay to keep them outside in a pond or bucket? has anyone tried this? I'd really like some way to decrease the temperature I'm keeping them at, as all the fry have been male, and I understand that the sex of the fry is temperature dependent? Any advice would be appreciated I *know* I should probably join the killie club, I just haven't got around to it :oops: Thanks
  15. Wow that's a great goldfish survival story! Hope you took pics I love Wharariki Beach..... Once we saw some baby seals there, playing while their mum's were out fishing. They were so cute.
  16. At least it wasn't the other way round!
  17. sorry to hear that :tears:
  18. where abouts in Golden Bay are you? It's a great place. We did the pupu hydro walkway when I was there at xmas and had a beer at the Collingwood pub.... the day before they had the massive floods :-? Adrienne - do your inside tanks each get 2-3 water changes a week? I think I spend around 2 hours a day, feeding etc. It's hard to tell really
  19. it's too hard to choose a favourite! :lol:
  20. cute when Sam said he was huge I wasn't imagining a Schnauzer! :lol: Is he a mini one? I would love a dog one day..... :roll: along with a fish room
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