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Everything posted by Ira

  1. This guy isn't a fan of half off shark dives...
  2. Be the same. As long as the temperature stays the same the heat loss will be the same and the efficiency of the heaters will be the same. Just the duty cycle will vary. You can get a watt meter at The Warehouse for something like $15, it will measure how many kilowatt hours are used over a given period. Plug your heater into it, check again 24 hours later.
  3. Redspots and goldspots get their names swapped around quite a bit. Redspots get much longer, goldspots up to around 25cm or so, redspots to more like 40. Both get pretty big and probably won't be happy in anything much smaller than 400+liters.
  4. A tuatara probably might make a cool pet.
  5. I'm pretty sure this is what runs through every cat's mind every minute of every day...
  6. No more than any other resistive heater of similar output. You'll get the same kind of efficiency from an oil column heater, ceramic heater, etc. 2000W of electricity in=2000W of heat out, only differences between them will be the distribution of the heat. If you want better efficiency electric heating than that you'll need a heatpump.
  7. Yes, I solved it by giving up and letting them sleep on top of the tank.
  8. I don't remember ever needing to remove my filter pipes to clean them.
  9. A blue light means it's been wired backwards and it's actually cooling. You need to take it to an electrician and get him to swap the wires around on the thermostat. Then the light should turn red to show it's heating.
  10. The absolute max my tank could cost per month is about $120/month. depending on unit price of course. That's all the pumps on, all the lights on and the heater on full 24 hours/day all month. Of course, lights are only on about 12 hours, heater is on maybe a total of a couple hours/day max. Edit: Just checked our rate, 19 cents/kwh so that makes it an absolute max of $77. More realistically I'd say it's in the $20/month range.
  11. Since you're posting this in the Freshwater forum I'll assume your puffers are freshwater. So your choices are put enough salt in the tank to kill your puffers so the brineshrimp can live or not put any salt in so the puffers live and the brineshrimp die. If they're brackish or marine the puffers may not be killed by the salinity needed to hatch the brineshrimp.
  12. I was expecting, because of the "Watch it until the end" that it was going to jump at the camera or something would pop up and scream.
  13. Yip yip yip yip uh huh uh huh.
  14. No. It is impossible to use an animated gif as your avatar. :slfg:
  15. Lol, we wouldn't need to do that, the cats eat her food already.
  16. Eat anything once...She refused to eat jalapenos and pickles a second time. The big slice of onion I dropped once she glared at it for 30 seconds, sneezed and went to the other side of the kitchen.
  17. Do huskies eat more than malamutes? Last time we went to the vet ours said she could do with being fed a little bit less. "Maybe a cup less than the amount the bag says." We already feed her less than it says, we feed her with a measuring cup. "Try weighing it out, make sure you're not feeding her more than it says." So we did...Bag says 4-5 cups a day, we feed her 2 and the vet says we should feed her about 1 cup/day less. :slfg: She would eat us while we sleep.
  18. What happened to them? They're clearly broken.
  19. Ira

    Do i need a.. ?

    If it's a needlewheel skimmer rather than a venturi, yeah. Are you getting a nice white foam of bubbles produced by it or not?
  20. Probably you'll want to use artificial sea salt. Something like Instant Ocean, Red Sea, etc. Good luck breeding them, I believe they have a plankton stage where they drift around in the ocean for a few months which you'd have to replicate?
  21. Ira

    sore plec :(

    By now he's probably either dead or recovered?
  22. Not that toxic, and not in the levels your UV might be producing. Dosing ozone is semi-common in marine tanks even, and that would produce far more than the traces that might be accidentally created by your UV sterilizer.
  23. You can't smell UV...What's it smell like?
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