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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Yeah, assuming it's actually drawing 300 watts then it will be heating 300 watts. But if something like the element is heating the body of the heater and making the thermostat read high it's possible it could switch off early until it cools down and reads accurately again. Seems it wouldn't be too hard to test. Throw one of each heater in a cold tank for 2 hours, put a watt meter on them. Both should peak at 300 wattsish and use .6 kw/hours.
  2. None. Head height is the distance of the outlet(Spraybar) above the surface of the water in the tank. The cannister's physical location is irrelevant. A little bit, that would decrease frictional losses. I don't think it will be much, maybe 50lph.
  3. Ira

    ID Please

    It's definitely not a bristlenose at the size they claim. Looks like it's probably just an albino common plec.
  4. If he'll let you near enough to do that and not struggle much he's either very young or nearly dead. Just keep him warm, make sure he's got water. Could try feeding him a little baby food with a tiny spoon if he's calm enough.
  5. Stomach looks very sunken. Not getting properly fed or other problems?
  6. 1 tsp per 4.5L is about the normal dosage for treating constipation, dropsy etc. Not for using it as a fertilizer.
  7. Well there's your problem. Actually, I'm not sure if that would definitely be it, but it definitely wouldn't help. I wash mine in tap water all the time, but my house is supplied by a rainwater tank.
  8. I think the chatroom went long enough without being used that it was deregistered. So, the topics disappeared. If I you like I could start posting new ones in here.
  9. Yup, it is BS. Surprised they wouldn't eat the food, even if they don't it should take them a few weeks to starve.
  10. You should be feeding bristlenoses plecochips, algae pellets etc anyway. You shouldn't expect them to live just off algae and scraps.
  11. A garden hose? Wow, I'm impressed. I just have about 10-15 meters of 25mm(I think) clear hose stuck onto my gravel vac. Siphon out the door, connect to the sink in the bedroom and refill back through the gravel vac.
  12. "I'll pay $1/week until my debt is paid off, your honor."
  13. I actually have an old reminder here for my S14, from 2010 Hmmm, Looks like the remainder of my S13 after I sold it was credited so add that and it makes the total $378/year after the NCB. When I left the US to come here my car insurance at the exchange rate at the time was $4800 NZ/year.
  14. Was something like $100/year when I checked. Pocket change. Probably, still $350ish/year is cheap and I don't recall it changing significantly after my first crash 12 years ago. Actually, insurance went down because I wasn't paying for that car anymore. :slfg:
  15. Yup, because waiting ages and crossing two lanes of traffic at one time is so much safer than crossing one at a time.
  16. Wow, you sure about that? That would kill pretty much anything. I'm not even sure that would be considered drinkable still.
  17. I'd say go for full coverage. It's cheap insurance :slfg: I think in the last 12 years I've made more in claims than I've paid. &c:ry
  18. Ira

    Our Tank

    You need megadoses of it to effect bba. Doesn't sound like bba. That does sound like bba. Might as well leave it then, unless it goes nuts. Nope.
  19. Ira

    RO-DI Unit costs?

    Where did you bruy it from? At that price it's a good chance others might be interested in bruying one too.
  20. You usually cannot choose who you want to do the work, might have a selection of a couple but that's it. I have no idea what you mean by "Claim a deepest"?
  21. They're probably fine, almost noone likes to have spectators when they're doing their business...
  22. Ira

    Mel's Pond

    Looks good. Might want to move that dead dog though, may contaminate the pond...
  23. I'm not sure the judge would accept that argument...
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