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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    nitrate question

    Yeah, I think that 5-10 ppm is within the range of error of an average test.
  2. Ira

    Veges for plecos

    I tried something similar once. It took me ages sifting through the sand to find the spoon when I remembered it a couple days later.
  3. Ira

    Veges for plecos

    I'd rather just throw the food in and be done with it.
  4. Probably something to do with cogging, take it up with designers of hundreds of small electric motors.
  5. Ira

    Veges for plecos

    I boil the courgettes before feeding. Just because that way they sink.
  6. Poke the impeller with something while it's doing that. Or give it a tap. It's pretty common that a lot of small powerheads won't start properly after being turned off. The solution is don't turn them off.
  7. Ira

    Veges for plecos

    Don't forget lettuce and cabbage. Brocolli is ok, I've tried oranges but I think it was the severums that ate most of it. Also chicken, but that's not a veggie.
  8. That looks good, I need to try something like that with my driftwood, not to keep it sunk, because my redspot knocks it over constantly. :an!gry
  9. I had a few fish years ago with something similar. A surinamensis and a jurupari. They lasted for ages, nothing I could do seemed to help, they'd just get random bits of fluff sprouting from their head. One of them I put down because I woke up one morning to find they'd suddenly sprouted all over his body. Tugged on one once and it came out in this clump...
  10. Wow, how could they never have realized they could get stuff cheaper and then sell things cheaper? :slfg: Most retailers I've heard from said they sell at a pretty low margin. If the shop can get something for $100 and sells it for $50 they still need to pay wages, rent, insurance, utilities, losses from theft etc. I know from someone running a reasonable size garden center that on an average day they will make only a few thousand in sales. Say that's $4000 on average. They sell things at roughly twice what it costs them so about $2000 is profit Subtract about $800/day for the handful of people running it, $300-400/day for the mortgage, another $100 maybe for utilities, another $100 for insurance You're only left with like $600 profit per day and I'm sure I'm missing expenses.
  11. Impressive necropost. Well done. :slfg: Just short of 6 year old thread.
  12. Sound like you already told her once, you shouldn't have to tell her again. :slfg: Sounds like your best bet is to just let her heal on her own. Not realistically much that you can do. Maybe dim the lights and cover the tank to try and keep her calm so she doesn't startle and aggravate it more?
  13. Oh no, they're swimming around madly like cories, something must be...Oh, wait, they're cories...
  14. The water diffuses through just fine without any critters. It's just slow. And I found similar tests with my tank that made me think it might be working as a DSB.
  15. There's a response pic to that, but I think the mods might protest.
  16. 25 would be a little marginal but should work. Go with 32 to be safe.
  17. Hope not, though I did find a little one today. Only maybe 5mm long.
  18. More pics today. Fortunately the damage to the concrete from the storm wasn't too bad. A few patches torn up under the gutters where they overflowed were about it. And a few footprints of that should scrub off with a bit of work from running around on it covering with tarps to protect it from the storm.
  19. Just like any introduced animals, especially predators. Shouldn't be allowed to roam uncontrolled. Especially shouldn't be encouraged like many here do.
  20. True, I find that ugly brat quite offensive.
  21. Replace it with a Poseidon figure.
  22. That's not normal? All my cats are like that.
  23. Here, I've got a really detailed set of instructions for how to deal with this. Required materials: 1xfishtank 1xpiece of driftwood 1-2Xrocks. Optional, 1x string minimum twice as long as the distance from the middle to either end. Step 1: Put driftwood in fish tank where you want it. Step 2: Put rocks on it, Step 3: If you have problems with step 2 tie them in place using the string. DONE. Doesn't matter any more how long it will take to sink.
  24. And they managed to get past the impeller without getting chunked?
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