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Everything posted by Ira

  1. That's mostly what I use in my filters. The handfuls of oyster grit work, but they make a bit more of a mess if you don't have them in a bag. And I had bags of coral fingers and bits left over from when I had a marine.
  2. You're not going to find eggs unless you're looking through the dust with a microscope.
  3. Cats have a range of around 5 acres or so for domestic cats up to around hundreds of acres for feral cats. Stray/feral dog packs have home ranges getting up to 30,000 acres. For reference wolves can be up to around 3,000,000 acres
  4. But a little more than that and you don't care.
  5. Ok, but will it get rid of the cyano in addition to cleaning up any stains from it?
  6. I've only used erythromycin for it which worked well... If you can get it that's what I'd suggest.
  7. A lot of The oatmeal is factual, presented humorously but factual.
  8. If they do it's fractions of a watt, if that. A few cents a year.
  9. Cats can be walked just fine, you have to train them on a lead as a kitten just like you do with dogs. Many cats will also fetch, they just have to learn. People have this self fulfilling idea that cats can't be taught anything so they don't try to teach them anything and then use that as proof that they can't be taught.
  10. A heap? A few chillybins and a roadtrip is about it.
  11. I've had tropicals running at temps dropping to 16 and lower with no problems. Probably not ideal, but survivable.
  12. Yes, if you are desperately in need of a way to solve the problem of your tank setup being too cheap and simple then a calcium reactor would do the job. But otherwise you're just adding extra complexity with the CO2 canisters and reaction chambers with it.
  13. Yeah, could just make up a barrel of kalk or baking soda solution. Calcium reactors aren't meant for raising PH, they're meant to increase calcium.
  14. JUST BUY ONE ALREADY! I don't care which one, just buy something! What's this the 6th thread over the last couple weeks? :slfg:
  15. Solution: Don't let your damn pets or livestock roam. It's not that difficult. Any other animal you're required to keep under control, cats should not be any different.
  16. Along the same line was at my father in laws on the weekend and he was angry at someone that's thrown oxygen weed(Elodea I think) in his pond. Only way now he'll be able to get rid of the infestation is to drain the pond, current plan is to get into the pond with his excavator and dig it out with the bucket but that's just temporary.
  17. Fishermen wanting fish that splash around more when they catch them.
  18. Since I don't have a variety of restaurants to choose from I'll take whatever I can get....
  19. Ira

    Live/Dry Rock

    Best bet for getting it at a good price is someone local decomissioning their tank.
  20. Ira

    FX5 Motor

    I didn't realize FX5s had been out for 7 years. That's longer than any of my 404s lasted anyway.
  21. Hebrew is written right to left, chinese is top to bottom, both of which come from around 1000-1500 BC, which predates english by about 2,000 years.
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