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Everything posted by Ira

  1. When I was dosing kalk I just added it to my topoff barrel.
  2. I use mylar in one of my tanks, works great, just use double sided tape to stick it to the top of the tank. I think it was something like $30 for a roll of mylar which is enough for somewhere in the region of 2 billion tanks.
  3. Lime as in fruit? Or lime as in Calcium hydroxide? The fruit, I doubt it, the mineral I'd hope not seeing as there are millions of reef tanks being dosed with it... Just don't dump so much in it alters the PH too much.
  4. All the hemoglobin in a human, and I assume similar for fish, would be replaced in less than a month, probably around a week. So it wouldn't be long term.
  5. Just use the overflow for a sump, sumps rock.
  6. Ira

    Eheim 2213

    From bottom to top, coarse, medium and fine filter material, biological stuff last. It's not rocket science and it's the same for any filter, anywhere, for any purpose. Coarse material first then finer. It's not that difficult and it really doesn't matter if you do it wrong.
  7. I think it'd be pretty impractical to use T5s for a tank that size. You'd probably end up needing something like 60 4ft T5s, I think it'd be much easier to go with a dozen MHs.
  8. Yes, you can and you do it by dumping them into the tank. Doesn't take much more.
  9. Ira

    Aquapods in NZ

    The supply for the hobby is too small for people that aren't in Auckland to be able to get supplies.
  10. Most powerheads the grill comes off and covers a tube that you can easily push a hose onto and hoseclamp it.
  11. Hi, Ashbo, I've got a tank I thought I'd sell as a full setup, not the prettiest but with an aqua one 2X15w light, eheim 2213, 9 pearl gouramis, bunch of plants and bristlenoses. About 600 wide X 460 tall X 380 deep, so about 100L. Haven't decided on a price, I was thinking about $250. Just doing a water change on it now, and thought I'd mention it when I saw this thread.
  12. Most pumps work fine inline, as well as most powerheads.
  13. Ira

    whats happened

    I'd be more than happy to support my local fish store with marines, if there was one within reasonable driving distance.
  14. Make sure the pump's not touching the side of the sump and has flexible attachments to the piping and most should be quiet enough that everything else will drown them out. My PJ5000 gets more than drowned out by the noise of the overflow. It's noisy admittedly, but before the overflow starts making noise you can only hear a slight hum with your head in the cabinet under the tank.
  15. But, if you don't stir the sand up it works as a denitrator.
  16. Dead is dead. Almost dead can recover.
  17. No, 3 is too many! Get a variety of Geophagus instead!
  18. I wouldn't think it would make any difference with Seios, you've only got like a quarter inch you could cut off.
  19. Valen, just chillin' Nepenthe, Relaxing with a good book or two. And I don't have one of my girl, Callie. Think the same as Nep, just a little shorter fur and smaller.
  20. How are you getting there? Take the fish with you.
  21. As far as bang for the buck and trouble if you just want to throw a fan over it don't bother with computer fans. They're not that powerful. You can get cheap deskfans that plug straight into 230v and have FAR more power for similar cost.
  22. Ira

    UV Sanitizer

    Yeah, it would help, in some tiny microscopic fractional way. But you'd get about 1000 times the bang for the buck as far as algae fighting goes by doing a water change.
  23. 26.1, hasn't gotten above 27 so far that I'd noticed. I have the same kind of fan as Dhindry has. Served me well for one summer so far.
  24. Even in my little 300L tank frozen 2.25 l coke bottles are a waste of time. Take 3 hours to freeze, 20 minutes to completely melt and drop the temperature by about .1 degree. So, by my calculations to drop the tank by 1 degree I'd have to have 10 coke bottles in the tank which would require a total of 90 with 80 in the freezer at any time freezing.
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