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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira


    Make me an offer for it.
  2. Ira


    I'm sure I asked this before, but without the search function and a good memory... I'm out of salt, soo...Anyone know who the wholesaler of Instant Ocean is? Or cheap place to get salt mix? I'm cheap, don't want to pay $120/25kg box of it. I'm thinking of turning my tank into a bare bottom. Hate the look of it, but I need to do something with my tank and think it best to do a big waterchange at the same time...
  3. As far as I'm concerned I don't have any responsibility to pay more at a pet shop if I'm not getting service or convenience to make it worth the extra money. It's a company, not a charity.
  4. Ummm...Recirculating and in sump isn't an either or. That's like saying , "Car with 2 doors or 4 wheels." My skimmer is recirculating and in sump. My last skimmer was neither.
  5. Those look identical to ones that used to be in the Napier aquarium in a back room.
  6. I've had my tank set up for about 2 years. I have exactly 0 pods.
  7. Ira

    bad day

    Mostl likely small waterborne parasites.
  8. At the very least without lots of pods for them they won't survive long enough to learn to eat frozen foods.
  9. Ira

    Software ?

    I do probably pretty similar to Skippy. Just plug my test results into an excel spreadsheet and I have it calculate how much of each chemical to add along with the daily usage of each one since the last test.
  10. No, it causes the fish to get liver damage, vomiting, loss of coordination and spawning with ugly fish.
  11. Ira

    chimera's needs help

    Sounds sort of like what happened to my tank. All the fish were fine but the corals were all dying everywhere. Though...I've lost my yellow tang in the last couple days. Seriously getting to the point of wondering why I even bother with this hobby... Maybe I just need a lot more frags.
  12. Oh god...I can just imagine the sound of that first tank. It would sound like hundreds of kids banging on the glass screaming ,"NEEEEEMOOOOOOOO!!!!" :evil:
  13. Needs a bit bigger pump to make it a river tank. Maybe a Laguna PJ5000 should do it.
  14. Try what I suggested for now if you've got enough slack in the lining. Good tight cable tie should hold it well enough to keep it from leaking much.
  15. Bunch the polythene around the pipe, wrap a big cable tie around it and pull it tight.
  16. Ira

    Sargassum Trigger

    "The sky is blue" "No it's not!" "You're an idiot, it is too!" "No it's not, it's grey! See? http://www.metservice.org.nz" "That's not the sky, that's clouds!" "The sky is clouds!" "I read somewhere that some guy in the US didn't use clouds and his sky is still gray!" "When did I say the sky is blue?" "Back a couple posts ago!" "No I didn't!" "It must have been edited." "You obviously have no understanding of how the sky works. Do a little research!" "I don't need to, because everyone knows that clouds are in the sky!" "No they're not! They're below the sky!" "I bet you think that a bird couldn't take off from a treadmill!" "I never said anything about birds!"
  17. The stick on ones are crap. Don't even bother with them. Just use a glass one in the tank, they only cost a buck or two more.
  18. Unless you have a green water problem or possibly ich then it's unlikely to have a noticable effect.
  19. Heh, it's probably just baking soda for 10 times the price.
  20. Ira


    Only if you have a fishing license when you catch it and it's not undersized.
  21. Ira

    safety factor

    Yes, 2 is reasonable. It just means the tank is twice as strong as it needs to be to hold the water. A safety factor of 1(In perfect theoretical land) would mean it's exactly as strong as it needs to hold the water, but even a tiny bit more force will break it.
  22. It was only a year or two ago I saw a website in the US selling yellow tangs for $2US each....
  23. First rule of owning fish. Don't look at them too close, you'll find things to worry about in perfectly healthy fish if you do that.
  24. My redspot is over a foot long, doesn't leave poo trails, doesn't knock things over(Mostly). I think they're much better than bristlenoses. Oh, and to be pedantic, only the common pleco is a pleco. Redspots aren't technically plecos, they're a Gibbiceps, the bristlenoses are Ancistrus.
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