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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    Aquarium computer

    I'll give you $50 for that old, outdated IKS rubbish. :lol:
  2. Yeah, Brazilian puffers are great community fish.
  3. Ira


    Reefers don't use bioballs, so we wouldn't really know where to look for them.
  4. What about those of us that don't have a LFS? Anyway, there are many places that sell RODI filters other than fish stores. I bought mine from a place called Wellington Water Filters. I don't remember the exact price, Prefilter, RO and DI totalled somewhere around $400ish.
  5. Don't bother with the really cheap ones, imo. Spring for good quality bulbs, they're only a few bucks more and I find the really cheap ones are a bit dim and don't last too long.
  6. A screw in fluoro will work fine Don't know how much room there is in there, might not be much. But with enough room you can get screw in fluoros from something like 4 watts all the way up to 100+.
  7. Ira

    filter bacteria

    What I do is just unplug the filters if it's been more than an hour, then when the power comes back on either pull them out and give them a quick clean or just drain a bucket or two of water out through them to clear any bad water.
  8. If it's not a cube then it's not a cube. Saying a tank is a 6 foot is just not giving all the dimensions, not totally incorrect like saying a non cubic tank is a cube.
  9. Nice. I love tanks with lots of surface area like that. Doesn't look like it's 4 feet tall though.
  10. Ira

    Large Pleco

    Do you live in Fiji or want it to die? If neither of those is yes, then you can not put it in a pond outside.
  11. I don't know if saying they sting is particularly accurate. Vinegar works well, did when I tried it anyway. It dissolves the spines, they're calcium based.
  12. Nope, just imagine multiple blobs of orangish oil around pea sized and bunch of smaller rice grain sized ones. They were definitely a liquid because when I tried to scoop them up they'd either flatten out and stick to the net or squish through and reform into bunches of smaller blobs on the other side.
  13. Cichlid liver oil? I have no idea, I was hoping someone else might have an idea.
  14. Nobody was watching...I bet it was one of the fish! Slid down the hose, knocked it inside, had a little party in the puddle on the carpet and then crawled back up. Man, who'd have thought at 8" severum could squeeze down a 20mm hose?
  15. Heh, No she was locked in her kennel when I was doing it.
  16. Had a bad fish day yesterday. Found my braziliensis floating. Kinda wierd because there were also heaps of balls of some orangish oily stuff floating around him. So I scooped him out and started doing a water change. Sometime in the 15 minutes between checks of the water level the hose running out the door shifted to inside the door. Lovely pond inside. But, I think a carpet shampooer is now on the required list for any fish owner. Got heaps of dirt out too. Much easier than using towels like previous big spills.
  17. Ira

    noisy pump

    Is it loud because of the actual running of the pump? Not much you can do about that, less restrictive airstones can help sometimes. Sometimes more restrictive helps. If it's vibrating against something making noise, move it. Or put a cloth around it.
  18. Ira

    aqua 2200

    It doesn't, unless the outlet is above water level they're running at 0 static head.
  19. Most High pressure sodium bulbs have a very low kelvin rating. Should work well for a planted tank, just very yellow. There are a couple marine bulbs, Iwaki makes them I think, that have high pressure sodium ballast bulbs that have a much higher Kelvin.
  20. Should be fine with all of them. Severums are very well behaved fish. Could be the odd bully, but my five don't even bother tetra sized fish.
  21. Which means it's salt, nothing else...Except magnesium, calcium, strontium, iodine, potassium, cyanide, sodium, chlorine, sulphur...
  22. MHs don't really use more power than a similar wattage of fluoro tubes or put out more heat. It's just more concentrated.
  23. Ira

    Giant Gourami

    There's the giant gourami that is small and the giant goramy which is huge. Or some variation of it. The little 6" giant gourami is marketing BS, it's not giant, just bigger than your average gourami.
  24. Nah, the change in temp or PH shouldn't have much effect. Do you have something like a kalk topoff that comes on at night?
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