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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Un-necessary expense, imo.
  2. If you're really worried about it, pull the media out of the filters, give them a quick clean(Just to get rid of the garbage) and drop them in your tank so they don't suffocate. Otherwise I wouldn't bother doing anything other than checking every few hours to see if the fish are gasping. 9 hours they should be perfectly fine. I'd even be tempted to just turn the filters off when the power goes out and then just give them a quick clean after it comes back on before turning them back on.
  3. Actually, that wasn't a relevant part of the joke. The joke was the bunch of states that look like a big dOOd in a bakers hat holding a plate of food. I couldn't remember which state it was myself as it's part of the lesser 48.
  4. Despite explaining things taking away the funny... Like Mystic says, the red states look like a man with a stereotypical bakers hat on holding a plate with food in front of him. The "food" is the state of Kentucky. Hence the "Kentucky Fried Chicken" Is there anything else that needs explained?
  5. I mean, could you resist eating a lot when this guy makes you Kentucky fried chicken?
  6. I've got a better idea. Leave your old one where it is and bruy a new one once you're at your new house. I'll stop by and dispose of your old one for you.
  7. Well, I'm more saying that complaining about deformed mutant goldfish is like going to a weight watchers meeting to pick up chicks and complaining that they're all fat.
  8. If it doesn't have a wierd shape and is deformed, it's probably not a goldfish.
  9. Silver mystus get up to around 5-6"ish. They don't get big.
  10. Might make them go deaf, but who cares? They don't listen anyway!
  11. It's not a sexual reference, it's a reference to people over reacting when things aren't ideal. Fine, now please put the rest of my post back. You can leave the hyperbole out if you like.
  12. They're nickel plated steel. Only purpose that will serve is to make your wallet 10 cents lighter.
  13. No Need for this Ira... you should know better. Sexual Reference Removed Mod Bill. Have the tank somewhere around 22°C The angels will be a little cooler than perfect, but will be fine. The goldfish will be a little warmer than perfect, but also should be fine. I've forgotten to plug my heater in one of my tanks after a water change for 3 weeks over winter and only noticed when I went to do a long overdue water change that it was freezing cold. Tank was at 16°. No deaths, no sickness, everyone was fine. Fish don't drop dead the instant the temp gets 1 degree away from their perfect temp.
  14. The electricity does exactly squat. What you're doing is dumping copper from the wire into the water. As everyone knows, copper is extremely toxic to most invertebrates. There are many ways much easier to dose the tank with copper than roundabout way like running electricity through a wire in the tank.
  15. Heh, I have the book and the miniseries on DVD.
  16. Sweet! I thought it should still be good.
  17. Ira

    epoxy resin

    Most epoxies should be fine. but, of course, there are about a billion different types of epoxy. It's like asking, "Is stuff safe?"
  18. Putting a skimmer on a freshwater tank to save you from occasional water changes would be about one of the biggests wastes of money I could think of. Except goldfish, of course.
  19. Yeah...Well...Don't do that.
  20. Back in AK I once found a shrew in my dog's water bowl. You may be thinking, "So what?" Well...It was about -20°F and the shrew was frozen big solid block of ice.
  21. How about this instead of a caption?
  22. Doesn't...Have...Net...Access...I know what all those words mean on their own. But put them all together...Gibberish.
  23. I have a turboflotor T1000 in sump for sale, should be good for that size tank.
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