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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    Macro ID

    Looks like a common seaweed.
  2. Ignoring that it IS working... :lol:
  3. Ira

    Fishroom Temp

    The tanks will be slightly cooler due to evaporation, up until the point the room's air is totally saturated. But, assuming your room isn't super humid and there isn't a huge amount of airflow across the tanks I wouldn't imagine it should be more than a degree or so.
  4. Farmland and paddocks usually have heaps of native birds and other native life, assuming they're not chased off by magpies. My father in law sees FAR more bird life since he's wiped out all the magpies in the area. They're not considered pests without reason.
  5. You can still fly with frozen nuts.
  6. And if that doesn't work siphon out through the outlet hose into a bucket. Mine's always started flawlessly except for two times. One I'd accidentally left one of the valves closed, the other I hadn't realized I'd drained the tank down past the inlet.
  7. Heh, it's true. Spring is a pretty horrible season. I try to go flying RC planes every sunday morning. Winter is better...Ok, so everything's frozen, the grass is frosty, you freeze your nuts and worst of all fingers off flying at 9am, but at least it's not too windy and rainy to fly EVERY day! So you actually can have some fun.
  8. Ira

    Fresh Lettuce

    I keep hearing rumors that iceberg lettuce contains some chemical that destroys vitamin C or something like that. I don't really believe it and haven't seen much evidence.
  9. Nope, no problem with it. The only real wear items in them are the impeller and impeller shaft and those aren't too expensive to replace.
  10. Ira

    Fresh Lettuce

    I see no real reason to unless you have smaller weaker fish, it might be a bit tough for them. But cichlids, plecs, bristlenoses etc don't seem to have a problem. It's interesting watching a big plec eating it if you have it stuck against the glass. Starts off you can just see a dark patch through the lettuce slowly a section of it gets more and more defined then gets some color and suddenly a mouth appears through the lettuce.
  11. Anything's cuter than a small, squishy squirmy foul smelling blob that feeds on human flesh and exudes toxic substances while making ear piercing noises.
  12. Ira

    Fresh Lettuce

    Yes, definitely, the lettuce clogged both filters several weeks after I last fed it to them while I was on vacation and then distracted the housesitter for 24-48 hours while the fish suffocated.
  13. I remove them from the package and throw them in the tank. If I'm feeling really motivated I put them in some water to defrost them so all the little wormies seperate and then pour the whole thing in the tank.
  14. Well...The japanese have this particular fetish...
  15. The horrible vicious gumming must still give you nightmares at night...
  16. Frilled li...I mean T-rex. Definitely a T-Rex.
  17. Ira

    Fresh Lettuce

    I've put like 4 huge lettuce leaves(Probably near a square foot each) in my tank, before most of my cichlids died and they'd finish off all of it in 2-3 days except for bunches of scrap bits floating at the surface.
  18. Is that a lizard in your pocket or are you happy to see me? Ummm...It's not a lizard! I'm really happy to see you! *Carefully backs away*
  19. Ira

    Fresh Lettuce

    What's this swapping out rubbish? Or were you planning on trying to pull it back out of the fish's stomachs after they've eaten it all? :lol:
  20. Wrong. You buy a ticket you have a 99.999999% chance of losing $20 and a .00000001 chance of making money. Don't buy a ticket you have a 100% chance of winning $20. A penny saved is a penny earned.
  21. You know what they say...Lotteries are a tax on people that are bad at math. *Hides lotto ticket*
  22. If you really wanted to do some serious volume mealworm breeding you could probably just buy a couple big plastic bins from the warehouse and I've heard livestock supply places should have big bags of oat bran flakes for cheap. I've heard mealworms do well in sawdust too.
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