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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    Plywood tank

    I wouldn't bother with going something unusual like ply unless you're doing it just because you want to. It could look nice if you do the woodwork well. But there's no point otherwise as that really not a particularly large tank.
  2. You mean...A closed loop. Also used heavily in marine tanks. No reason a handful of seios or similar couldn't be used, I think. You can get the whole tank swirling in a pretty laminar fashion with a couple.
  3. I have no idea what you're saying there. AFAIK it does work that way, two equal masses of different temperatures, mix them together the end temperature will be the average of the two. Yeah, your gravel, the tank itself etc will change the end results, but I think that would be drowned out(Pun intended :lol: ) by the couple hundred kilo masses of the water. Which is why I say my temp would drop to 16ish when I do a 50% water change, over winter my water comes out of the tap...Not freezing, but close enough if you were to jump into my rainwater tank. I measured it once at 8°.
  4. The head you're referring to is the pumps maximum head. Maximum Head is NOT how high the pump will push water above itself, it's how high above the surface of its water source it will pump. If you have a pump with a max head of 10 feet pumping water from a water tank with a water level 20 feet above it and on the outlet is an open vertical pipe, the height the water on the outlet side will reach will be 10 feet higher than the height of the water tank, or 30 feet above the pump.
  5. Head is not vertical height of the pipes. Head is the difference in height between the water inlet water(The water height of the tank) and the outlet, basically how far the filter has to lift the water above the height of the water source. If your filter's outlet is a couple inches above the water then you have a couple inches head. If it's at the surface or below you have no head.
  6. Something like a betta comes to mind...
  7. It's more fun shooting people than rabbits. :lol:
  8. I used to play Interstate '76 online. Haven't really played anything since then.
  9. Aqua kneadit should work perfectly fine. It's used all the time in tanks.
  10. Is there anything like black or gray food coloring? I'm just thinking adding a few drops of it to each blob of aqua knead it might have made it blend in with the rocks more.
  11. It's not how much you buy, it's WHAT you buy...
  12. Now that would be a lot more complicated. I wouldn't actually bother with getting it exact, given that substrate, driftwood, rocks, etc is likely to drop the actual water volume a lot more than the little bow adds to it.
  13. The comment wasn't directed at you, it was directed at society in general. We get this same question asked every week or two.
  14. The pump housing of our spa pool was cracked and leaking. Went to a Pumping Supplies and Installations in Petone. I walked in and said, "Can I get another one of these?" and handed the pump housing to the guy and he said, "We've sold you one of these before, haven't we?" "Yeah, about 4 years ago." "I can't quite remember your name, what does it start with?" Then I hear from around a divider so she couldn't see me a woman says, "Is that Ira?" These people even recognizes my voice! And I only go in there maybe once every year or two! They must be stalking me! I'd be sleeping with a gun now if I tended to get paranoid.
  15. It's really quite sad that there is actually a need for an aquarium volume calculator for people that can't do math they teach to 11 year olds.
  16. If you want to be pedantic, no it isn't. Table salt is sodium chloride, there is also low sodium table salt which is, iirc potassium chloride(Slightly radioactive BTW cool!) Then there's sea salt which also I believe has all the calcium, magnesium etc that is in seawater.
  17. If you want to be really good probably artificial marine salt would likely be best.
  18. Wow, that's an interesting shape tank. Pretty much a huge square footprint. I like. Oh and that'd be basically 500 liters.
  19. Just don't let him know that shadowfax wets the bed....
  20. Something tells me that wasp was being held just outside of the frame...
  21. Ira


    We feed fish all kinds of larvae. Just fly larvae are harder and smellier to produce. No reason you can't feed them to your fish though.
  22. If I used straight cold water over the winter my tanks would drop to about 16°/
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