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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira


    If that's the case then the coldwater section should be renamed to the goldfish section. It's not as if there are 100 different active threads in here a day and if you miss a day you have to search 5 pages back to find a specific one. There's maybe 2 on a busy day. It's stupid to get so precise with the categories if the volume of activity doesn't justify it.
  2. For the most part, most fish aren't going to have a significant difference in the amount of work it takes to keep them. Throw in food daily, water change and gravel vac weekly.
  3. Depends on feeding, temperature, water quality. But, assuming all of those are good...
  4. Alaskan cabbage. Grown not far from my hometown...
  5. I'd drive all the way up to help...But I hate beer, so I'm not going to.
  6. Ira

    metal halides

    You mean a bluer light. As far as aesthetics the color temp of lights is mostly up to personal preference, in marines higher kelvin tends to match the color spectrum you would see in the ocean more. In freshwater...I think yellower lower color temp looks better. Most tropical rivers are muddier and more yellow or brown colored so the yellow lighting I think looks more appropriate.
  7. Ooh, scarlet badis, gimme!
  8. They'll be getting cramped in about a year or so.
  9. Ira

    metal halides

    Somewhere around 9-12 hours would be about right. You're not using them to grow plants from the sound of it? So it's really not critical, just set them for whenever is convenient. I don't think there are any 100w aquarium bulbs, it's not a standard size used in the hobby afaik. Cool white should work fine, it's purely aesthetic.
  10. It's good to know I've left my mark on the world, even if it's only adding "bruy" to the vocabulary of a small group of aquarium enthusiasts.
  11. There are no freshwater tropical shrimp available in NZ and likely never will be.
  12. To begin with you're best to use something like marine salt, not table salt or tonic salt. Only reason not to add it directly is that it's harder to get it well dissolved and the fish might eat it.
  13. That's nowhere near a show quality cat. The brown should go all the way to the base of the tail and should cover the entire face. I suggest you make another, corrected cake and send it to me for approval.
  14. I remember reading about some place in Russia(iirc) domesticating foxes in some 20-30 generations. It was actually really interesting the huge change in psychology over the generations going from instinctive fear to instinctive like of people.
  15. You'll get a much lower hatch rate without it. Go get another pump, they're cheap.
  16. Congrats on bruydeding them. Yes, yes and no(Unless they're full grown tetras) I've always found my severums to be very calm and perfectly fine with tetras.
  17. Sooo, if I dream of guppies swimming in my hands that means I have conceived? OMG, I'm going to be a mommy!
  18. I believe you mispelled "distress"
  19. I've had dreams of my fish rolling around the house in water filled hamster balls. And my hands turning transparent and I could see they were full of water with guppies swimming in them.
  20. Like Suphew says, spacers aren't legal afaik. Get wheels that actually fit the car.
  21. Everyone that's never done that before raise your hand! Liars, put your hands back down.
  22. Turbo motors have dynamic compression. More=better. And you'd just be stupid to not adjust the cams to match a significant change in compression, so it goes without saying.
  23. Which dwarf puffers? There are dozens of species of dwarf puffers ranging from full freshwater to full marine.
  24. Because when you compress anything it gets hot. When you have a high pressure mixture of gasoline and air if it gets too hot it can explode at the wrong time. If it explodes at the wrong time it breaks your engine. Higher octane fuel doesn't ignite as easily from compression and heating.
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