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Everything posted by Ira

  1. The LEDs will have a very narrow focus which will be a problem if you're not using a diffuser. Hard to say exactly without the exact dimensions of your tank and the beam width of the LEDs. You'd probably get about a 3" circle on the bottom of the tank, this is approximate based on my keychain led torch which probably has as wide or wider beam. Bottom dimensions would be something like 2 feet wide by 12" deep? To get solid coverage that would be an array of 8X4 so 32 to get solid coverage of the bottom of the tank. You'd probably get away with 16 before you start getting a bit of a pools of light look. Maybe 8 if you have driftwood, rocks etc to break up the outlines of the everything.
  2. Ira

    Unwelcome visitor

    The heron is prettier than goldfish.
  3. Power heads are extremely complicated to figure out how to make them work. First you have to plug them in, then put them in the water. Or you can put it in the water then plug it in. :lol:
  4. Ah...Go with Spoon's surplustronics, those are a better price.
  5. www.jaycar.co.nz sells a handfull of 3w Cree LEDS
  6. If you want a quiet air pump, don't use an air pump. There is none that will be quieter than a filter outlet or powerhead blowing across the surface of the water.
  7. Then i'd just call them ugly.
  8. If I were to dress up I'd want a superman style costume with a big O on the front. Then I could go around telling people what their costumes are and they can say, "Thank you Captain Obvious!"
  9. Intresting...looking at the length of the heating times vs the cooling times it looks like if you threw a smaller heater in it the tank temp would likely be more stable. Not that it's unstable enough to care about now.
  10. Hermit crabs aren't insects. And I don't think there are any terrestrial hermit crabs available in NZ, just marines.
  11. My CF1200s are perfectly silent(Especially compared to my pos fluvals), I'd assumed the 2200s would be similar.
  12. Even if they don't provide much energy, there's more to food than calorie content. But, I'd doubt claims that they are particularly hard to digest.
  13. Honestly, I don't think I'd go with either. I'd probably go with something like an Aquaone CF2200 or two, be cheaper than both and they seem to work just fine. There isn't that much too them that needs super high tech and build quality, all cannisters are is just a bucket with stuff in them. As long as they pump and don't leak the cannister is working perfectly.
  14. Ira

    R O water

    Heh, If it runs for 5 seconds every 2 minutes that's 1 hour of running per day. If it's an approx 1kw pump that will mean it will cost you in the region of $.20 per day or $6/month. If you have a marine tank and $6/month is enough to be noticable on your powerbill stop stealing power to run your tank from your neighbor. An average set of metal halides would use at least $50/month. And I found my pump cycled more like 5 seconds or so every 5-10 minutes when running the RO>
  15. Ira

    R O water

    Where did they bring it from? My RO didn't produce any waste water at all. I piped it all right back into the my rainwater tank. It only produced maybe 5-10 liters per hour though because we have relatively low water pressure.
  16. Changing the bran is easy enough. Dump everything into another big container then use a seive to scoop everything up give it a bit of a shake so all the dust falls out into a third container then dump back into your original one. Not a bad idea to keep the container of dust for a month or two and then give it another sieve to to collect all the worms that hatched from the eggs that made it through.
  17. Easiest would be to cut a hole in the lid and then put some kind of fine mesh over it. Something like windbreak material would be cheap and work well. Then just glue or silicone it over the hole. That's what I did with mine. Worked well...Up until I dropped a container of fish food on the mesh which knocked it loose and down giving a nice ladder to crawl out of... Wifey was really mad at me by the time the third mealworm beetle was discovered as it walked over her bare feet...
  18. The bulb itself might get hot enough to be uncomfortable to touch, depending on airflow. But not hot enough to do any damage.
  19. Ira

    My utopia

    You mean the hillstream loach?
  20. Yup, that too, plus the volume required to bring the main tank down to the level of the outlet in the tank where it will break the siphon. Can be quite a bit of water if you have your spraybar or whatever an inch or two under the surface.
  21. I'd skip the last chamber with the carbon, it's useless anyway. And that way you have the opening into the pump chamber at the bottom, that way you can let the the water level drop a bit more without getting a lot of splashing and bubbles.
  22. Easy enough to buy a pile of rare earth magnets off trademe that should work great for holding them.
  23. Ira

    Macro ID

    Ok, it's Tseweidius Browin Waveii. I doubt it'd be a problem, I don't think there are any macro algaes that are bad, just an annoyance if they grow over everthing. And I doubt you have corals in that tank anyway. Seahorses should love it.
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