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Everything posted by Ira

  1. The criteria are very extensive and detailed all the following must be true. A: Is it wood? B: Does it look like it was drifting in the water at some point? Yup, just give it a wash to get any garbage off and throw it in the tank. It'll float for a while, so weigh it down or just let it float around until it sinks.
  2. Hehe, I was thinking, "No way a tagger would know what a galaxid is."
  3. Also over what time frame? Because...You can get 2 kw heaters from the warehouse for $50 and the price difference between that and the $2000+ heatpump pays for a LOT of electricity.
  4. You think they're called dwarf just for fun? hehe.
  5. Nothing, because it's neither pump action or a shotgun.
  6. Haha, The US has horrible evil demon rat possums.
  7. I don't see any reason that dog hair clippers would need to be different than human ones. And people ones are far less. I bought a set of cordless people hair clippers that also comes with another little cordless groomer for about $100. Also...What a cute little pile of cat fluff, when you get a dog you'll be able to brush more out of it than that :lol:
  8. That's because you're not a early-mid teenage girl... Now we know who is.
  9. Sounds like both heaters are doing exactly what they should be, you just bought too small ones.
  10. You're right, I apologise it is a real german word which means, according to google translations: "is a long time - days to years - continuous train of pedestrians, Mounted and (or) animal-drawn vehicles."
  11. That's not even a real word.
  12. Maybe you'll keep better track of your toys next time. This is why you can never have nice stuff... :lol:
  13. They probably think at the last second, "Oh, a dam."
  14. Yup, that would be it. Sliding door has never been the same...
  15. No. The heater will only replace exactly the amount of heat lost(Unless it's too small to maintain the temperature) If that's an accurate average then you'd be using an average of 100 watts of power or 2.4 kw/hr per day. Roughly $.50/day. Energy required to heat 200L of water to 25c is straightforward math assuming a starting temp of 15C and assuming no losses of heat during the process. Heater wattage is irrelevant. It takes 4.2 joules to heat 1 gram of water 1 degree c. So you're heating 200,000 grams 10 degrees. So, 200,000*10*4.2=8,400,000 joules. One joule is 1 watt second or 3,600,000 joules per kilowatt hour. So 8,400,000/3,600,000= 2.3 kw hours to heat 200L costing $.40-$.50 Only effect in a perfect situation the wattage of the heater would have is the length of time it would take, in this case is that it would take roughly 7.6 hours. Calculating mathematically the heat loss of the tank though is more complex. You'd need the outside air temp, glass thickness, glass area, adjustments for heat lost through the base, to air through the lid, etc. Might be easier to get a watt meter throw it on the heater for a week. (Something like $12 at the warehouse) Then you'll know the power usage and can calculate the average rate of loss. Watts of electricity used=watts of heat lost (Resistive heaters are 100% efficient)
  16. Are these double blind trials with all the proper control groups, placebo groups, etc?
  17. Actually it was an internal force, the dog was inside going out...
  18. Mine from his nose to tip of his tail is roughly the length from my elbow to the tip of my middle finger. Give or take a knuckle. Probably something like 16-18 inches/400mm?
  19. I disagree and know from experience. This does not require a dog door for the dog to run through the door and the whole pane of glass break.
  20. Or just get closer. I once looked at my fish without glasses on. I was shocked by how much HUGER they looked.
  21. At this point you've probably spent several times the value of the fish on medication. I'd say it's getting to be time to throw them in the freezer and buy new ones.
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