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Everything posted by Ira

  1. No, cyanoacrylates were developed in an attempt to make gun sights in the 1940s. That didn't work, but worked well as a glue. It wasn't used for medical uses until some 20 years later and then not in widespread medical use until the late 90s. Medical glues are a bit different chemically than superglue, standard superglue works ok but does irritate tissues a bit.
  2. I can't imagine you'd have an easy time getting a wild and relatively healthy bird to hold still while you sand and then smear some 5 min epoxy on it's beak.
  3. Him being "Chilled out" would have been a big clue that he was practically dead. Birds are great at the "It's just a flesh wound!"*Dead* thing.
  4. It's clearly more complicated than just a simple dominant recessive textbook case. Anyway, normal color kribs look better.
  5. Is the tank temperature staying around 26 degrees? If it is then no there's nothing wrong with it.
  6. Put a severum in with him...
  7. Aeration is not a bad thing for plants, unless you're supplementing the CO2
  8. Ira

    DIY Metal Halide?

    And, the low bay lights might work better.
  9. Ira

    DIY Metal Halide?

    Looks like it's a high pressure sodium, not a metal halide.
  10. As long as it's not noisy hard, it shouldn't be a problem... :lol: *Fades back into the woodwork*
  11. Ira

    DIY Metal Halide?

    Sure it will. Using the waste heat to heat the tank vs blowing the waste heat away and then using a heater to heat the tank. And they're not that inefficient as heaters, all but whatever light is absorbed by photosynthesis gets turned into heat. They're just not that effective.
  12. Ira

    DIY Metal Halide?

    Depends on a lot, buy somewhere around 150 would probably be enough for basic plants, 250 would be ok for soft corals, 400+ for anemones.
  13. Ira

    DIY Metal Halide?

    I don't know if I'd bother with an exhaust fan. It's not as if the air from the intake fan isn't going to be able to find a way out. And an exhaust fan will be bathed in damp air making it rust quickly. Just a grill should be fine.
  14. Hahaha, I read it and thought, "What? Mine it's just twist, pull, twist, pull and they're out...Nah, must be a different than mine..."
  15. Ira


    I wouldn't want to pay for new, I want used and cheap. And also that site is completely useless, no prices at all. Though, I'm sure they're all more than ... let me check how much I want to pay...Ummm...About $3.50.
  16. Ira


    Don't see many big plastic or fiberglass troughs around. Only rarely see concrete ones.
  17. Ira


    What I'd love to do is get 3-4 concrete troughs and sink them into the ground, then landscape around them.
  18. Be easier just to download the shows than to get a VCR.
  19. Ahhh...Yes. First time I saw an NZ ant I had to look really close and say, "That's an ant?" Here's an average Alaskan ant...
  20. I'm just saying, be careful what you're milking...
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