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Everything posted by Ira

  1. You're short a 0. 500 l/h filter probably wouldn't even have enough head to pump any water at all into the tank. You'd want a minimum of about 5 times an hour turnover at the tank, which would be 3750.
  2. Yup, get an RO. DI gets used up extremely quickly if it's soaking up 1000PPM from straight tap water rather than polishing off the last 5ppm after an RO filter.
  3. Have the eggs actually been fertilised?
  4. Uuuuuggggh, earthmoving is expensive.
  5. I'd go with something like 1-2 Laguna PJ5000...Actually, I don't know if the still make them, but something in the 5000-6000 LPH range would work. I used one on my 300L marine, gave a good amount of current all around the tank.
  6. I think I'd rather have a fish tank. Lower maintenance and you can sell it if you get sick of it.
  7. Sounds like a disciplinary action if they're saying you could have a representative. But could be your job is just being disestablished.
  8. Ira

    ID please??

    Definitely a jurupari. Great fish. Looks like he has a severe case of hole in the head from the pic, hope it's just a bad picture.
  9. No. That is just drowning, not suffocation. Drowning is suffocation in a liquid.
  10. I don't know if I'd call them a dime a dozen. Maybe your dimes are worth WAY more than mine. After some investigation it looks like they're about $400 NZ each and out of stock on the couple US sites I could find that advertise them. Given that fish prices for FW fish in the US are generally half what we pay here or less I'd be surprised at anything less than a $800NZ bill for one here. And that isn't out of line with the prices I've seen for them in the past.
  11. Ira

    PH Dilemma

    Nope. Has either no effect or slightly softens and acidifies the water. I put coral and bird grit in my filters to keep the PH from dropping too much with my rainwater. Otherwise it drops off the bottom of the scale.
  12. Looks a bit like hygrophila polysperma, but the leaves are a bit shorter and the stem a bit thicker in yours.
  13. Ira

    where can i get??

    Live sand and rock should be the last thing you get. Otherwise it's going to die sitting in a bucket for months waiting for you to finish setting up the tank.
  14. Medium would be somewhere in the 5 meters by 5 meters range...
  15. Not so much a myth as ignoring the difference between long term and short term memory.
  16. Ira

    shipping fish

    Help in what way? Absorb a bit of ammonia? Maybe a tiny bit. Compete with the fish for oxygen because plants absorb oxygen when it's dark? Definitely.
  17. I haven't seen L46s for sale in years. But they were over $600 each, I'd expect far more than that now if you managed to find one.
  18. It can't distort the paint. It would have to have some kind of solvent in it, which it doesn't. Water is probably more likely to effect the paint.
  19. Water won't effect the polyurethane. Plecos might, but they won't wear it off at a great enough rate to be a big problem. Just put a couple thick coats on it, it will be fine.
  20. Just coat the finished plane in something like polyurethane and it will be fine. Any kind of epoxy resin should also be fine.
  21. Won't want me to bring mine then, she has eaten human flesh.
  22. I've found, at least in what I look at, that a lot of the trademe "businesses" just buy from overseas websites, tack on a big profit margin and resell stuff here. Might as well just go straight to the source.
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