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Everything posted by livingart

  1. fixed agression problem in our big tank by removing all females no matter what species
  2. you maybe surprised as to what type they are, there are a lot of giants in this area temp needs to be kept down otherwise you can have fungal problems
  3. didn't mean to panic you mincie i only meant it as advice when you first start out wth a new animal it can be a bit of a worry after a while things will settle down each of us keep our animals in slightly different ways, but good food, the right temp and humidity and environment are about the same in all keepers it is good there are so many knowledgable and experienced keepers on here
  4. its the minstrel show sometimes called harlequins the degree of patchiness varies from, like a friesian cow to spotting and speckles you need to maybe have a look at its siblings and see if any are carrying that colouration as they grow, might only be slight, like a toe of a different colour etc. best idea is to breed back to one of these or either of the parents depending on sex, i know this may sound incestuous but is best way to fix the gene axolotl genetics are very random and harlequins are rare and in demand overseas i currently have young from a spotted female and golden male, with about 40 of the babies carrying the spotted gene in varying degrees, even some gold with black spots good luck with babies and happy new year
  5. you are probably correct on id on second one as well
  6. as repto said it may be pied, keep it safe i have some babies with mixed markings on them they are hard to come by
  7. is right can also cut back to good flesh then cauterize best to get vet to do make mark on tail with marking pen then see if it deteriorates more one of our igs had this when i got it, cut to new flesh and dosed with iodine daily for 3 days, took a while but it regrew tail no worries some don't regrow from that point, depends on species
  8. yes i once met a water dragon on a prawn trawler in Cairns, australia
  9. good idea what about pongas, the fibrosa ones
  10. i am the sanity break no i can't take one as the main requirement to taking one is being sane in the first place :oops:
  11. will have to be a short winter he was that naughty it was only one piece of coal 8)
  12. you have to make sure you take a sanity break
  13. if you put an r in the 2nd part of their name they might not be yummyyyy
  14. so its chocolate coated Black Caps for anthony
  15. don't worry, henward is turned on by the power of the animal kingdom :lol: a predatory animal on the hunt, is poetry in motion man without a weapon is just another prey species way down the food chain
  16. only when they're chocolate coated or roasted with garlic crunchy
  17. raw bits are out the back
  18. called dry gangerene, make a note of length can be easily fixed wd needs his tail for balance
  19. yellow pages for plumbing supplies, maybe
  20. livingart is in the pond had a snorkel in it today
  21. bringing up kids counts as a full time job
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