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Everything posted by livingart

  1. doesnt suck air as it stops at the waterlevel so long as the out pipe in overflow box is same height as the tank waterlevel i need to correct diagram i use 32mm or bigger pipe
  2. i put the return pipe from sump into the pipe to fill at the start from then on it runs automatically
  3. so long as you fill the bent pipe that goes into tank to start it will work automatically at start of power during power cut the bent pipe always remains full of water as both ends are in the water the one i run has the pipe going to sump from the hang on box at the same height as the tank water level this ensures the pipes are always full as the sump pump starts back up it automatically flows into tube in tank and starts the process again
  4. diagram of overflow you need to fill bent pipe to start it we use 32mm pipe and elbows to give good flow out box on side can be plastic jug with handle hung on side of tank to sump can be glued or pipe fitting i think i have pic right size if not please let me know
  5. we have one we made on saltwater tank made from 32mm pvc pipe will see if i can get photo for you cost 20 dollars from plumbers outlet
  6. now have 10 moths they live for 2 weeks and don't feed just breed
  7. the answer would be in the affirmative to that one
  8. now your getting tricky that is a water level float to shut down flow when water level in sump too low you could fil;l sump with water and pump up to a bucket to see how the whole thing works check pipe ends and see what fits the best on which pumps
  9. the one in the middle of photo looks like return pump one on left has clamp to fit on tank lip
  10. biggest will probablyy be one to return water from sump
  11. looks like all the gear is there white pipe from sump to tank plastic pipe from over flow box into sump connection water will flow from overflow box to sump then pumped back to tank through white pipe, use red tap to regulate so waterflow is same in as out i think perspex with holes should sit in top of sump to create layer for water to trickle through into sump bit hard to sort from photos hopefull someone more local will read and may be able to help giant jigsaw
  12. brown box looks like over flow box with pipe to sump tank and ryan is correct on white pipe return, red tap to regulate flow 1 of bigger pumps to return water from sump, pump on right maybe to create flow, water movement in tank in tank
  13. is there a hole in the tank left hand back corner in photo?
  14. i like to think about the use of oil as a shock absorber does taking the oil out of the earth increase the sharpness of the earthquakes well, i don't like to think then
  15. i wonder how white island is behaving, paul nothing in tga of any significance, ie: didn't feel a thing
  16. if he hatched in my pants pocket should i get or do i already have moth balls
  17. don't want to upset the apple cart but snails can carry parasites
  18. finished, ready to breed http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/3812 ... ng5ai0.jpg by the way its a female See Above
  19. a beautiful face? http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/6640 ... ng4wl4.jpg See above.
  20. back to moth http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/7030 ... g4asr1.jpg Your pic is oversize... Please see NZ Website section. IMG Tag removed. Bill Mod.
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