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Everything posted by livingart

  1. acrylic windows and leave top on tank with acrylic windows in it
  2. go to devan.co.nz then water tanks and download the brochure we are using a 30,000 tank 2/3rds full currently eel pool waiting for more aros at a good price
  3. my pool is 20,000 water tanks for farms, ccheck out Devan plastics nz on google dig 1/3rd in ground for insulation plus poly on top
  4. blue and kim are spot on with advice get sorted now try making green water from NSW outside and start releasing hatched bbs into it, old bath tub will do needs to be about 24 degrees you can get it going now for practice
  5. after a lot of research 2nd best option is solar power best option hot water bore
  6. already split, but they can do some stacking sorry to jump in on your firewood sorting repto
  7. my woodpiles a bit closer you are welcome to forage
  8. likeliest way for it to get here would be on a smuggled reptile
  9. now that is a cast iron guarantee that you will get a pair
  10. you could just buy one that is a totally different body shape to yours ie: wider or narrower head wider or narrower hips take the fattness of tail into account as this is an indicator of how fat a bluey is good luck
  11. careful cricketfella Barrie is connected, 8) :lol:
  12. YEA right you have obviously never lived where the little crocs play when they are grownup
  13. cross an albino frog with normal the colours in offspring will tell you the genotype
  14. so is albinism in frogs sex linked or recessive then?
  15. looks like a little Mack truck with the bulldog emblem on back to front
  16. seen it done too, very accurate but it depends on who is doing it
  17. boiled eggs shouldn't be used as the only food it gets try this page http://www.nzbirds.com/more/feed.html
  18. don't feed white breads or milk go to pet shop get hand rearing mix or softfood can feed rolled oats soaked in water for 10 mins or so little bit of jellymeat or cat food, baby farex, wheat bran, wheat germ, wholemeal breads water with a little honey for energy, budgie seed etc good luck oh make sure food is warm it aids their digestion
  19. tadpoles tend to suck more than chew even big taddies have small mouths as to deformities with the amount of eggs in a spawn just like goldfish they aren't all going to be perfect, all those different combinations of chromosones will throw a few oddities
  20. as gannet said hard to tell from photo get full body shot including tail helps though try this site for more info http://www.repticzone.com/caresheets/146.html
  21. about 9 months all up for the last one
  22. get a licence and set your self up to do rescue and you can have your own though you only get to keep them til they are ready to go back to the wild 1 little blue probably eats about $20 of piper a week we have 3 blues, 1 little black shag now visiting about once a day for a top up feed and 3 whiteface herons doing the same
  23. penguin probably knew where he was though this time of year their normal food supply is in shallower waters so they follow them they are best left alone when they come in shore one of this years rescue jobs
  24. because we use these on a daily basis many of us overlook them as being a "chemical" and dangerous to boot under OSH rules you are supposed to have read the labels of any thing you use in the workplace and apply it accordingly there is a case for the tradesman to answer, possibly paying compensation, and he can be found liable if that is a road you want to go down OSH = Occupational Safety And Health
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