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Everything posted by livingart

  1. give it the conservatory you can sit in there and have lunch with it 8)
  2. sometimes found on citrus trees also called cat ear spider is that the one?
  3. Black tunnelweb spider Porrhothele antipodiana they get bigger than the 25mm body length quoted on some sites have one in our fernery 45mm body length, found on a 200 year old rimu tree being selectively logged, brought in to us so i released into our fernery
  4. Hoplodactylus rakiurae Harlequin Gecko found stewart island, definitely c permit you would be fortunate to get these
  5. would be a melanistic albino wouldn't it? or would it be a self pied albino or is it just a black frog that had been smoking wacky backy
  6. after seeing the jar in action henward, no fish has a chance, if the jar considers it prey was as fast as a leopard and as tenacious. yes i have worked with big cats
  7. soon to be part of the tank water
  8. you are a warped little walking green man with a twisted sense of humour good one
  9. about 10 inches and well fed convict was about 1/3rd its length
  10. had an adult convict given to me, he had been beating up all the fish in the tank, about 100 mm long maybe more thought i would throw him in the jardini tank i learnt a few things jardini are incredibly fast caught it within 20 secs in a fully planted tank with rock and driftwood jardini have big mouths takes a jardini about 5 mins to completely swallow an adult convict no contest jardini first round knockout
  11. personally i wouldn't pay anything for it, but then we have seven at the moment how much did varanophile have on his recently?
  12. price is relative to how yellow it is and how deep the pockets and how short the arns of the buyer are
  13. but snookie is a greenie
  14. now that would be a contradiction in genetics you should try to catch it it would be worth more than the ones on trademe
  15. will have to wait till the eggs hatch to confirm they are a pair
  16. does the jar have red on each scale, looks silver in the photo
  17. repto is right, the mean temperature that eggs are incubated at has an effect on the sex of the young so a hatching of eggs can produce all of one sex by aiming for the middle of the incubation range will produce young of both sexes
  18. got to agree too oak trees would be the best bet
  19. repto is right we kiwis are vulnerable to snakes we can't fly and we live in burrows and them sssnakes isss sssneaky
  20. most natives might be ok ngaio and tutu are posonous to stock you could use mulch from forest floor probably not pine forest though maybe find litter in stream that has already been well soaked ypu will have to watch for parasites though
  21. can you see the four beardies communal bliss http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/1320 ... iestk3.jpg
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