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Everything posted by livingart

  1. Hi Les, no hatchlings, my bro is handling incubation no luck yet, we disagree on methods. got a red male and yellow female so will have a go myself. sad times on greenies the powers that be make descisions based on erroneous facts, then go in heavy handed. good to see you have got your feeding sorted out for babies congratulations
  2. well i thought it was big but i got given a 30,00 litre water tank so have cut it down to about 15,000 litres, always wanted a tank i could swim in. Originally built for penguin rehabilitation but will be keeping local marines to allow penguins to learn how to catch their dinner before return to wild. Koi swordies are doing well. Idont know about being famous but I am a legend in my own mind. lol
  3. livingart

    sea salt

    No not a trick question, have been given 275kgs of raw sea salt want to know if i can use for salt water tank, if not what do i need to add to bring up to sea water specs
  4. they are all turtles but tortoise is used to refer to terrestrial turtle, just remember they have to have a taut-ass to keep the water out. LOL
  5. hI Graeme we have 40+ red ears, 10 snakenecks and six reeves, we feed oxheart, fish and kitten cat biscuits (biskats) soaked in water for 10 mins to soften. to get turtles eating them use the red ones and feed in amongst some oxheart, seems to get them going, thanks for the tip on pillies have a local baitman who can supply, cheers mark
  6. livingart

    sea salt

    does any one know the chemicals that are lost from seawater when dehydrating into sea salt,
  7. Hi all just joined, have kept fish for many years work at living art wildlife park in tauranga cheers mark
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