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Everything posted by livingart

  1. sad to see some of the things people breed for other humans pleasure colour is one thing, but bred for no tail (the main propulsion for most cichlids) is probably something that would never survive in the wild by the way Vinson that is one Baaaaadddd sheep in your avatar
  2. are you breeding monkeys now who's the lucky primate
  3. didn't realise how quick those fossil fish were too many image tags i think repto
  4. well done repto a real pleasure to see
  5. gannet went in today they said the fish has been sold gannet will post later to confirm he has gone fishing for the big tank
  6. if their still small it is probably pecking order
  7. took your beardie for a walk on the grass and he got stoned eh? :oops: good luck hope he is all right
  8. good to meet you guys todayanthony
  9. Walt Disneys Fantasia - The Sorcerers Apprentice
  10. the length is not critical, the main thing is to create a "U" shape to hold the syphon needs to be at least 50mm under waterlevel got the endcap and all parts from a plumbers shop made the side box for ours out of glass but anythhing deep enough to give you 100mm below waterlevel would be good the outflow hieght from side box keeps the syphon secure tried it on 2 buckets outside to make sure it worked waihi isn't far from tauranga you should take a trip and see it in the flesh, so to speak
  11. it is easier and safer than it looks after getting parts took me 20 mins to cut and fit syphon cannot be broken by pump stopping etc drilled tank once with a piece of copper pipe and grinding paste took a long time and was bad on the nerves but it worked, found the overflow easier
  12. we bow down to your simpsonness
  13. agree with others state your case fairly outlining why you want to leave, better money , better oppurtunities etc., or just need a change a good employer will understand and if they can will offer more to keep you if they go doggo makes the move more justified
  14. were they too big i have had that problem
  15. congrats on being a daddy again bulldogod
  16. had the same size tank, was advised by a lot of professionals not to bother ended up making overflow pipe that works well made out of 32mm pvc pipe and elbows, outside box tupperware container
  17. SPCA the best bet let them know your concerns and the reasons why you think this is cruel on the fish they may not be fishkeepers (spca that is) but will understand your case good luck and keep us posted
  18. fixed agression problem in our big tank by removing all females no matter what species
  19. you maybe surprised as to what type they are, there are a lot of giants in this area temp needs to be kept down otherwise you can have fungal problems
  20. didn't mean to panic you mincie i only meant it as advice when you first start out wth a new animal it can be a bit of a worry after a while things will settle down each of us keep our animals in slightly different ways, but good food, the right temp and humidity and environment are about the same in all keepers it is good there are so many knowledgable and experienced keepers on here
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