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Everything posted by Aaron-Betta

  1. I was always attached to fighters, they would swim up and "sit" in my hand. My breeding adults each had their own personalities.
  2. LOL! I used to have a whole lots of fighter fry doing that when I was breeding more seriously.
  3. My five cents worth... I work 3 12hr nightshifts a week, the 12hrs I have off during the day is spents sleeping and doing "fish stuff" (waterchanges, feeding, observing etc.) So for three days a week I am a rather un-sociable person, not even having time to jump on the net to check messages etc. As for texts, i'll answer them in the afternoons when i wake up. Usually on my first day off I get a chance to go on the net, but I hate having to browse through heaps of emails deleting spam and waste of time emails before even getting to open and read important messages. I have replied to the senders of those chain messages (send to 10 friends fast to become rich etc.) asking them if it came true, always the same aswer though "No", so I then ask, why bother? I would much rather a single lined personal email from a friend even if its a "hey, how was your day" etc over a fowarded waste of time email.
  4. i guess some people find it a hassle and or messy. I haven't had BBS hatching for a few weeks now. first reason is because I have been trying the decapsulatd brineshrimp, second reason my container of sea water has been diluted by rain and I haven't been to the sea to collect more.
  5. growth rate results in fry and occasionally mixed in with flake food for adult guppies, bettas and killies have been great, definite improvement in colour and fish activeness. Fry growth and colouring rates have been much the same as live baby brineshrimp, but without the hassle of having to hatch baby brineshrimp. I do have one criticism though sorry, I have found that fry are more attracted to the movement of live baby brine shrimp and will only eat the decapsulated brineshrimp if they realise its there. Wasted decapsulated brineshrimp either floats on the surface or funguses on the bottom of the tank if not syphoned daily. Just from my experiences, everyone does things differently and yes, I will be getting more.
  6. i think i brought 50grams for $15 for a trail run. It was one of those small snap-lock bags. Good value though.
  7. WOW! I didn't realise we had swallowtails in nz. Would definetly be keen on some.
  8. couldn't say no now looking for free breeding tanks lol
  9. Jansens :oops: lol, spent ages looking for females close to him in colour. A strain I am looking to develop as I have no idea of his genetic background and same with the females. Hoping to develop a half-black variety and a full silver body variety.
  10. Last pic is of my snakeskin group made up of fish that aren't part of my breeding trio's. The first few pics are of my male holding tank housing Black/blues, albino blondes, 1xyellow, 1x venz and some new males that i dont have matching females for (black edged yellow to orange to red tails) And before the questions come in, yes there is a spawnign mop in there for the golden australes who also call this tank home.
  11. My yellow/gold boy i was telling you about.
  12. also, they sell in in weighed bags, although grams doesn't sound like much, it is and it goes a long way.
  13. look on trademe, currently feeding my fry on this at the moment as a trial. Would usually have baby brineshrimp hatching but not at the moment.
  14. Has anyone had male gardneri nigerianum golds coming out without red stripes on their fins? Crappy pics, but this is a pic of my stripe-less male. Looking for females from spawns with the males without stripes.
  15. Hey there, I have a trio I am trying to breed at the moment. the pic doesn't really do they justice as usual. He has a silver body and depending on the lighting his tail is extremely light blue/silver/white with the black markings.
  16. some people were posting they had fish for sale but never reply still looking for nice guppies...
  17. Barrie, Tasha's getting intersted in fancy guppies....
  18. Just wondering if anyone actually uses this site anymore?
  19. I could prolly go down and do the same thing myself wok
  20. just wondering if someone could go to organism and pick up some guppies and post them up to Auckland for me. I am happy to pay for all costs.
  21. Just a reminder that we are going down ont he weekend of the 17th and 18th of this month.
  22. my fry must be about the same age as yours, just added 3L of green water to them.
  23. I must say the plastic bagging was genius, I got mine on a rainy day.
  24. must just be in my area then. The traffic lights were out at edmonton rd and central park drive intersection.
  25. Got home this morning after night-shift and was watching some tv taped from last night and the power goes out. Most of henderson area is down apparently. Great, 14 fishtanks slowly cooling down.
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