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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. just got a incubator cause my water dragons are laying what temp should i be going for and the incbator has a section at the bottom were you can add water to make it more humid, should i be making it humid for water dragon eggs or not
  2. man i got my 6 by 2 foot and 3foot tall stand powercoated black aswell for like 300 cash ill see if i can still get a hook up but i think the dudes overseas my stands prety mint ay
  3. lol yea stays black with white dots haha guts about the syno :lol:
  4. lda33 the ones in my pik with big poker dots they get prety big one of my fav plecs
  5. yep a rare breed of cyclops flagtails 8) scarlets grow big lol and still look good im sure they would suit your setups
  6. i think scarlet plecos would be your kind of plec tho henward :lol:
  7. droped an aro and a pacu lol they wer to strong for me :lol:
  8. got 4 baby beardys anyone got anything they wana trade? looking for a female lol anything may be considerd cher
  9. would those aneomes handel warmer waters?
  10. mean dont tell ppl bout the secret spot lol
  11. all the best to his family and everyone who new him
  12. nope take my sport serious lol i leave that for of the field
  13. lol you mite of got the wong one , or when there real stressd there very blotched and look nothing like what they should starting to get better colours now firenzenz have you seen them? at first i was prety sure they were l052's ay but yea hopefuly l168
  14. bro didnt know you play on the girls team haha dw ill keep it a secret
  15. yea a town still 7 months befor i leave gota keep myself happy till then lol
  16. lol bit embarassed after telling you im not gona keep plecs anymore cause there boring , and yet again ive got some :oops:

    new plecs!

    lda33 and l168/l052 ,ment to be l168 but i have my doubts at the moment got 3 of each
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