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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. why are you reporting this? yea title says koi but they all seem to be gold fish they state there upto 10 years old so would explain the size they all look to have long tails.. why dont ppl just ask if there goldfish or koi maybe explain the differance if there not sure . dont just report them lame
  2. how big is she? mines only a bit smaller than the male
  3. keeping them in tha same tank? im thinking of getting a group of females
  4. female seemed to be eating a fair amount of the eggs so have taken most of them away from her. she has a few left that she has layed on the substrate also. i think she needs practise see how it goes in the next few days
  5. apistogramma agazzi double reds Pair is spawning right now. Female is nice and plump so should be a good spawn. I will post some pictures tomorrow. Peace
  6. lol yes its been awile since i last saw one too lol
  7. atown to be honest i should give you something for that one as i have been looking for it for a number of years now ill buy you lunch oneday k :lol:
  8. will pay $5-10 for these insects if found in good condition puriri moth (green in colour 15cm wingspan) south island lichen moth ( the moth that is on our $100 note) giant ichneumonid wasp wellington tree weta spiney stick insects ill post piks of other species that im after as its easyer than a discription for most people. any moth and beetles that are found would be nice also, no matter what size. Thanks
  9. bump still looking thanks to those who have posted me some already some south island specimens would be nice! :lol: ill cover postage also pay money say $5 to $10 for rarer items that you may have found, just send me a picture or discription thanks again
  10. nice any pictures of indoor enclosures? also is breeding very productive when mixing species?
  11. dude there 5 months old yea? id be very suprised if these can be sexed , even as adults man hardcase. when there togeather there reaction will tell you what sex they are if anything, but ull have to wait till there older they will be fine together at the moment. maybe someone breeding them can shed some light...

    longfin bn

    did you cross them with gbas? or did gold ones come in?
  13. turn that on its side and its perfect for a beardy

    updates :)

    hahahaha nice david nice
  15. red fin bullys for sure duno about any others though but theres probly a few
  16. ok for now ill do the indoor one, but yes i can see they would be best outdoors also with more space
  17. can make higher ill consider it. mixing species in small tanks like these is not a good idea
  18. im going to build 3 enclosures on top of each other 3200 length, 800 wide , 700 high 3200 length, 800 wide , 500 high 3200 length, 800 wide , 500 high any thorts if the larger tank will be big enough to house 3 water dragons? there currently in a 2m by 900 by 600 enclosure thats aint big enough anymore, or other option would be build one large aviery for them but dont have a great amount of space to use. last question has anyone used that fine steel mesh you can get at miter 10, its black very fine holes. want to use this on back and sides of enclosures, just wondering if dragons nails would get caught on something so fine? cher
  19. id put my gf in but she would kill me lol 5grand would be pretty sweet tho maybe ill do what olly did hahaha
  20. two large chunks of wood with anubias on them would be nice i rekon dont over do it and it will look sweet
  21. yea there is , so there should be plenty for everyone , or just wait for them to grow up and be sexable at the lfs, once the craze is over
  22. one of the importers here an auckland has said he has them coming in, some importers aint good on there i.d at times tho so you never know, but the price is pretty high so theres a good chance it is them.
  23. theres a sweet bit at bethels bro, half way up the beach , about 1.5m length , looks like a tree stump with a mass of roots pretty cool i rekon, not to heavey either
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