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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. heres some update picks , anubias is growing realy fast which is suprising everythn else is growing avrage lol
  2. grow it a bit ay wont take long i use to have 3 large ones togeather for 6 months then one got killed buy the big one which normaly was prety placid, so you never realy know lol wotch out livingart
  3. last pik there im sure is a tropheops lol i wouldnt be sure on the others tho
  4. wow awsum some of those flashes must be looking good now! hopefuly yo get them breeding
  5. i sold you six lol did some die?
  6. hey flatfish you still got the colony of l204s i sold you? i think it was you who brought them? how are they?
  7. 3rd and 4th pik tropheops first 2 piks look like hybrid
  8. lol i think i know what it is.. ,haha good luck
  9. lol what fish ? and yea it will take many generations , and picking the best ones from each batch of offspring
  10. kinda its like those german red peacocks not hybrids but line breed for the red colour
  11. lol they look like plastic , post some piks
  12. lol i didnt like that one ay
  13. lol im new to plants so not much help, i dont have strong lighting and it seems to be growing ok , spreading some runners i think it would do better with more light ...lol sorry im not much help
  14. maybe give them a few areas where they can spawn and so that they can choose a spot they like, i think that would speed things up , i think its always better if the fish chooses the spawning site and not you .. also cold water changes seem to trigger alot ov fish into spawning lol just what i think but meh i dont know alot good luck
  15. just one after over 3 weeks after i got them if i rember right, something internal i think plus supplier wasnt feeding them right when in quartine
  16. lol 5 of mine died and sold one to mr pleco
  17. just overstock your tank with monstors and there wont be much agression lol its not the best but does work very well .
  18. lol didnt see them the last lot that came in were albinos and not one seemd to be albino :lol:
  19. haha yea oscars would be sweet in there! found the wood ay
  20. last year a bunch came in that were called fairy bricardi , they have blue on the face anyway ill still try get some piks
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