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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. ive had peace lillys in my oscar tank for over two years now and its doin fine , the fish dont bother it to much , and i just make sure it tied down to a rock or some wood and its fine and looks great
  2. bright water gravel? as in the normal salad stuf evryone gets?
  3. wel the tanks for large cichlids and my arowana and large plecos and catfish so not much plants are gona be used , just bog wood and a few larger plants thanks for the info tho guys
  4. maybe ill go for the gravel then, i think sand would get sucked up during water changes.
  5. o and im goin for an amazon theme lol so i want the subtrate to look how it would in the amazon kinda.... lol nethn but mud and leaves tho
  6. hey just wondering whats the best substrate for an amzon tank? i was thinkn small dark pebbles, like small river rocks got any ideas let me kno
  7. o ges im wrong! lol as theres one on trade me at the moment which is 2ocm long lol
  8. i think they only get around 12cm long could be wrong tho
  9. yea not plecos lol somethn with wiskers lol dats what im talkn about
  10. is there any large catfish avalable in nz? anythn 25-30cm or over and not plecos! also i have two syno cats (Synodontis Robbianus) ,ive read they get around 15cm in lenght ,thats how big mine are at the moment. can any one confirm this or know if they get any bigger?
  11. well i usta have a breeding pair of angels in a 4 foot tank. but just wondering if i could breed them in a 2foot tank? also if any one has any cheap angels of any size out there for sale in the west auckland area plz let me kno as i would like to start breeding them again
  12. id be keen on some babys if any one can ho0k me up wit a deal or sumthn
  13. maybe it would be easyer for me to purchase a whole lot of young ones from somerwer and just grow thm up lol im bound to get a female then
  14. yea i dont think theres any way you can get rid of it once hes got it , all you can do is prevent it i spoze befor its to late , but aparently most aros breed on fish farms ect have a good chance of getting drop eye.. ,wel just what i redup
  15. wow a 10 footer would be an awsum size tank! sounds sweet good luck on that
  16. oooooooooooooo co0ol! , how wide will your 8 foot be?
  17. well i joined aro fanatics and monster fish keepers and most ppl on there forums said they would be fine with large cichlids there ppl who have mixed them befor so they kno what there talkn bout i hope lol, thy also said thy develop drop eye at a young age if there g0na, and all mine lives wit is a couple of bristlenoses, but yea thanks for the info ! its good to get as much advice as possible! thanxz!
  18. yea i did heapz of readn up on him way befor i got him as i do with all my new fish. hes only in a 3 foot at the moment as he is so small , im just gona grow him out in there for now, and when he gets bigger he can go in my oscar and red head tank .... and in a few years later ill be needing a bigger tank for all of them lol wel thats if my parents let me get more tanks lol
  19. wel so0o many people are breeding them now that the price must drop sooner or later ,wel i hope so
  20. wanted gba female if any ones got a spare female plz let me kno im willing to pay but not at a crazy price lol as im still in school and all or i can trade for an adult male gba, as i have two just let me kno
  21. o sweet az , wel mite have to try the starve him fing or sumthn lol kinda mean but owel its gota be done lol
  22. hey there guys just g0t a new ar0 , hes b0ut 12cm l0ng. anyway s0 far all hes eatn is ch0ped up prawns , guppys and flys. he w0nt t0uch the pellets... how can i get him 0n the pellets? lol any help would be co0l
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