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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. so far there just in brackish water but spend just about all there time on rocks haha there real cool gota make a bigger enclosure for a nice size group
  2. just go to the creek and catch them :lol:
  3. rainbow skink ay lol theres probly more than one
  4. lol got no tips but i also got a group 3m 3 f just gota grow them up now and they should spawn just like any other rainbow i guess, so shouldnt be to hard once mature lol could be wrong tho
  5. i think the same will happen to plecs we have coming in now days in ten years some are probly gona become very rare in nz and expensive , i think mr pleco is gona be prepared for this lol
  6. ive also herd this but have also talked to someone who knows whos breeding them , there keeping on the low , but defintly around
  7. those fry look very differant to each other , it would be cool if they were kaiser II i havent seen them here befor just the wide band kasiers
  8. its to hard to say at a young age , alot look alike when young..
  9. are they the new ones? lol u dont even know what they are? what name did they come under?
  10. whats the size ov your tank bro?
  11. found this Breeding Fire eels in captivity is very hard, but not impossible. Distinguish the sexes can be difficult, but a mature female is plumper than the male. When spawnings have occurred in captivity, the parents have been longer than 50 centimeters (20 inches). The Fire eel is a plant spawning fish that should be kept in a large and well planted aquarium. Keep the pH and dH at optimal levels and let the water temperature become a little higher than normally, from 27 to 29° C (81 to 84° F). The eggs are translucent and the female Fire eel will place roughly 800 to 1200 eggs in floating plants. The eggs are around 12 millimeters (1/20 inch) in diameter. Newly hatched Fire eels must be feed very small live food. Over feeding the fry is a common reason behind extensive Fire ell fry death. When kept on a suitable diet, the fry will grow very fast
  12. seen a few tho ill let you know if i see any if your kean on more lol
  13. omg haha thort you wer joking , wotch out for rust lol better way would be to get a couple more aros should work to cut agression down a bit
  14. lilaeopsis novae zelandiae yea its alright ay
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