i think yout tank could hold a red tail better than most , the ones here will most likely be slightly stunted anyway
there is a few shovelnoses and red tails around , just got to ask around , they are getting old though..
found it growing at the bottom of my pond , most of it coming outa the thick scum.
ive never put anything in my pond so dont know how its go there...
id please
i wana grow a nice carpet across my whole tank
now im not sure what would be better glosso or hairgrass...
i like both.. but have seen hair grass get alot of hair algea growing in it? or looks crapy when some of it goes brown
also seems to grow rather tall.. can you trim it?
tanks 50cm high an will have 216w ov light over it..
substrate daltons with maybe a layer of play sand on top...
what yall think?