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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. dude there sweet! nice
  2. yea ill just cut a hole in my wall .....hahahah :lol:
  3. yea i mite just build an outdoor one then but ill still see what doc thinks
  4. ill gave doc a call and see... if the zoo can why cant i lol
  5. exo terras have mesh tops , that with uv light on top should do the yrick i would of thought. should have enough air flow, would be similar to public setups , but yea rules are rules..
  6. so indoors are a no for sure? ok ill have to build an enclosure then i guess
  7. Hey just wondering if the larger exo terra tanks are approved for geckos? an are they all good indoors aslong as they have uvs over them? cher
  8. i didnt think polys loose there spots on tail when maturing, fusco do have lines and not spots . i saw the ones at mt roskill hollywood thats say fusco and there got dots so poly for sure but then there ones named polystigma at albany hollywood that had lines in there tails... odd anyone ever seen a fusco x polystigma hybrid...
  9. to be honest i think henwards clown will eventuly deal to his two ghost knifes not a good combo... clowns have alot of power behind them when they get a bit bigger
  10. when the clowns get larger they may bully it or each other just keep an eye on it..

    Scarlet pleco

    atown i think you did have scarlets if i rember right
  12. i agree it depends on what you are breeding...
  13. thats a nice one with the spots all the way up the body good find!

    Scarlet pleco

    many l25 and l114 came in late 2008 early 2009 alot of l25s died as they were fed incorrectly, they need more protein in there diet , and many that came form suppliers were getting fed spirulina, also people not getting told about this when purchasing would soon find there scarlets dieing. if i rember right Mr.pleco may have some nice ones growing out
  15. brown haps? i dont have any but there lake vic, just having malawi species

    Hap tank!

    Heres my hap tank , 900l total volume that includes sump. sand substrate. a few rocks that ill change a around a wee bit when i plant some val in there. so far 3 d.compressiceps want to add maybe 2-3 more females may add 2 more species , my choice would have to be polystigmas, livigstonis, venustus, theres a few others that catch my eye but may just go for a few species , d.comps it is for now though i think ,species only tank is prety sweet! anyway heres the first pick ill tank more and hopefuly better ones as the tank progresses....
  17. man would ov been kean to get some young ones
  18. looks like a wattle moth, specily how its got its back side up like that whe at rest, very prety lil moth
  19. sounds like l204! flash plecs , use to have an adult group of 8 a few years ago dif my fav plecos of all , how many did they have?
  20. bit hard to tell from pick , is it dead? could be drone fly maggot, they are found in polluted ponds and stagnant water . if its 2-3cm it probly that then ,haha you find alot of neat things around yours :lol:
  21. not a lacewing or antlion lacewing... its actuly a dobsonfly (archishauliodes diversus) only nz native dobsonfly
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